Marcelo Brigadeiro

some good rollin

part 2

Good vids, cheers.

I've become a fan of this guy.

marcelo did a seminar at the club i coach at,we had a brown belt in bjj there,the bb was astounded at the ease in which marcelos techniques he showed us worked as were us all,marcelos coaching is unreal,the way he makes techniques from normally complicated moves work with ease,unreal


You wanna hear something shitty? I was emailing MArcelo and he agreed to come to Ireland to give a seminar here in Limerick-seems like a real cool guy. <br />All I had to do was liase with my coach and set it up.<br />I had been out of training a few months due to work conmmitments and recurrent back problems and had told my coach same.<br /><br />When I text and called him to set it up he completely ignored me.<br />Guy missed a massive opportunity for his club and students because I had dropped out of training for a few months.<br />Needless to say haven't gone back to that club...found a MUCH better one:)

 Hi guys,

Thank you a lot for all the nice words and the support.

I am really glad to know that you enjoy my Luta Livre.

Thank you very much again guys.

All the best.

God bless you all!!