Marcelo Garcia highlight vid

I like this one a lot. It's 15 minutes, and the guy who made it did a lot of stuff where he does the move full speed and then there is a slow-mo.

Notice about half way through he's passing someone's guard with double unders and he doesn't even try to pin, he just wants the guy to roll over to turtle. And the guy's desperately trying not to roll over.

Another one I like is this one of Imanari.

There is some other Garcia stuff over at which is where I first saw that video.

wow amazing!



AWESOME bro!!! Thank you!

He is simply amazing.

Is there a way to bookmark these? I can click the link, but if I save the link under copy and paste and later put it in my address line, I get an error message?

Marcelo is fantastic...that's little man technique at it's finest.

nice find!