Marcelo vs Ricco (water bottles)

Anyone else noticed the water bottles being thrown at Marcelo Garcia after his match with Ricco Rodriguez in ADCC 2005? I didn't notice it until recently after a friend pointed it out to me.

What's the deal with that? Is that meant to be some sort of good-natured, celebratory gesture? Perhaps a perturbed Ricco fan? Anyone know?

Rickson is at it again...

Actually I think Kron did throw a waterbottle at one point...I forgot which match it was.

With the Garcia and Ricco match, everyone gave a standing ovation to Garcia after he heelhooked Ricco.

It was pretty odd to see all the Americans cheering for him.

After 800 lbs Ricco reverse power bombed him, I sure as hell was cheering for Marcelo