What are you opinions of him and his school in NY. Everyone in NY recommends going to Renzo's (I dont want to start a whole big Internet war) but Marcos is a lot cheaper, especially with unlimited training. I was going to try both of them out anyway before i sign any contract but just wanted to see everyone's opinion.
Marcos is a great person and an excellent instructor. He is a natural born teacher, very enthusiastic and always wide eyed when he is on the mat. He could make brushing your teeth seem exciting.
He also seems to be a very open minded martial artist with ties to some in the JKD family.
I haven't had the honor or privilege of training with Renzo but he has a very long list of awesome students not to mention that he is a legend himself. I don't think his name or reputation needs any explanation.
Renzo and Marcos, if I remember correctly, are located pretty close to one another, too. Tough decision. Good luck.
I heard good things about Marco.
I still have to try out both of their classes, but the impressions i get from people is that Marcos's classes are smaller but more personal plus cheaper. Renzo's is bigger but more competitive. Ultimately i will decide once i try it out for myself but wanted to gauge people's opinion
Wise policy, to go and see for yourself. Have fun wherever you end up.
knockabout, have you trained with him, any experiances, can you tell me any inof about the classes or the people who go there
I have trained at both, I would pick Renzo's they aren't the best by accident. The whole thing of it being more personal is really BS, Renzo walks around to everyone and makes sure they have the moves right and will sit with you till you get it. When he comes into the school he makes sure he comes over to everyone and says hello and asks how you are you have some of the top guys in the country training and teaching at Renzo's and guest instructors on a regular basis. You have current ADCC competitors and former ones training there you don't get that at nycmachado.
Been to a couple seminars and took a private lesson with him and that enthusiasm is always there.
Went to the grand opening for his new school. Met a few of his guys and they made us feel very welcome. We visited from out of town and Marcos allowed us to sleep at the school. That sort of generostity makes an impression.
I've never been to his regular classes so I can't tell you much about them, sorry.
I've trained at both too. Marcos is a good guy and a very good teacher, but Renzo's is the best. The level is unbelievable.
Everybody says the level at Renzo's is a lot higher But wanted to see what people thought about marcos santos. Doesn't seem alot of people who train there fight
No, they don't really compete over there and nor do they plan on it. If you want a good open guard game you wont get ti there, they hardly teach any open guard game at all.