Margarida pass?

Why is it the Margarida pass? Well, because he uses it all the time and it, along with his choke from knee on belly and the hand in collar sit up guard, is his signature move.

He didn't invent it & never claimed to, he just consistently used it at high level comp.

"Mighty, I think that is one way of doing it, but definitely not the only way. Ive learned the pass from several different people and none showed it that way (not saying its wrong)."

No doubt, I think that's the classic judo way and it definitely works great.

I want to learn how to combine this pass with the "esgrima" pass, where you underhook the arm. Draculino's instructional book gives an awesome sequency of guard passes working from the margarida as the foundation. I can't get the esgrima variant to work, however, as I feel it's just giving away an armwrap that totally screws you if the pass fails. Anyone had luck with that?

Also, anybody have advice on how to effectively clear the leg? I have started using Crane's recommendation, which is to step WAY back with the free leg and then over, so you are less likely to get caught in sweeps/half guard/etc.

Andre said, "The way I originally learned it in Brazil was to grab the lapel on the side you are passing and punch it to the mat as you lifted up hard on the sleeve with your other hand. By lifting hard on the sleeve and punching to the mat, the guy is prevented from going to your back. Other black belts have taught me to grab the lapel on the opposite side (instead of switching), and that has worked just as well. I generally dont switch these days."

The reason why the guy would have a hard time taking your back or doing anything else for that matter is because you are putting a strong counter rotation between his hips and torso. As you knee slices through, it forces the hips to face one direction as your grips twist his torso in the other direction. The body automatically loses power when it is in a counter rotated position.