We still love you Zen Machine...
*waves at Pitmaster*
He posted here a few weeks ago. he said he wasn't
making any excuses against kondo. Very classy.
He should've used "the grip".
hey...Kneel & Bob..shut up. don't ever dis my idol. Mario, we all still love you. Chuck is training very hard.
Mario and Chuck both kick ass.
I heard the Pitmaster is pretty cool too, but likes to wear his gi out in public.
I wear my gi all the time...I started doing that when I was a kid catching the bus in Hawaii. When I was a white belt, I would put my gi in my gym bag, and change at the gym, but as soon as I got my purple belt, I was so proud that I would wear my gi on the bus. I have worn my gi in public ever since. Going on dates was kind of weird, and so was my senior prom (I wore a special gi for that.
long live THE PIT
very cute
OMG, it's you PitMaster!! LOL I was at the ropes at the weigh ins trying to see over all the big heads, sheesh, sucks to be short, you were the guy the security said to watch me, but he was joking.... honest.
Now I know who you are.......
Mario is in Brazil training his ass off for the FEB. Pride. Good luck Mario!!!
A little head movement and straight punches go a long way...
Mario rules!
Chuck by cut. Guess where....exactly.
Pitmaster rocks !
So who will he be fighting in feb. Pride?
sperry is da' man.
man i respect Mario!
Mario Sperry is God...