who is rowe fighting and what is up with his hair?

Joe Cuff it is past "tonight or tomorrow morning". Any word on Savage vs. ? Please let John know at

Last worning ; Im fighting touching myself and everything the suspense is killing me.

Randy put that little thing back in your pants! I am just waiting on confirmation from your potential opponent, I should know tonight...Joe

Joe, Handicap match: The Kaptain vs The ring card girls,No time,Submission only.Make it happen!! Ps. Keep the noise down savage.

I think we should start a collection and get every person on the underground to donate $1 dollar and give it to the 1st person who knocks that Bushido Kid the fuck out.

Let me let me

hey jrbrangi,
That include people in the audience too? I could use some money.

Is that Pat Smith from UFC !

No it is Pat Smith from Wakefield MA on Team Elite. He trains at MSA and with Sit Tong in Sommerville. Very good fighter.

Jim de

Savage your opponent is definitely going to be Ronald Stalling at 185....Joe

Kwell that kid is tough he will make me look really good.

Thanks Joe.


"Savage your opponent is definitely going to be Ronald Stalling at 185....Joe

holly shizot.


Randy I could see if Louis would fight you?

yes plz yes plz yes plz yes plz