Pride 2005 Middleweight GP Champion Mauricio Shogun, will be doing a series of MMA seminars in the USA in late July. Shogun is recovered from his elbow injury and training hard to get back in action in September, and follow up with a busy schedule of fighting until the end of the year. Before that, due to the great response of fans and and all the friends made in the last trip in January, Shogun will be taking time while his schedule allows to do one more short trip to the USA for a series of seminars, traveling around this great country mostly to new places, giving other fans a chance to interact with him, with the exception ot Taunton, MA, where we will be returning one more time due to the great response we always get from the area. The schedule is almost finished, and now it's time to reveal details from each seminar, as we thank all for their support!
Shogun, as said, will be doing a seminar Chicago, Illinois, located in a part of the USA where we never have been before, giving to those in the local area and surroundings a chance to meet/train with Shogun. We hope to meet a lot of fans in this first time in the region, as it was a long time desire to go to Chicago.
DATE: Thursday, July 27th- 2006
Time: 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM
Place: U.S. Shidokan at the Chicago Fitness Center
Address: 3131 N. Lincoln Avenue, Chicago, IL.
Price: $60.00 pre-registration, $75.00 normal price. *pre-reg until July 20th
Contact info: ((Phone) 773-549-8181
Additional info trough email or phone.
The seminar is MMA oriented, going trough all sorts of positions that happen in a fight, from stand up, takedowns, defenses, ground work with strikes involved, and everything in the Chute Boxe Shogun style, showing what he believes, and what he really use inside the ring. It's also done in a way where anyone, from begginers to pro-fighters can train and learn. Those who have attended knows it's a good seminar, and you won't regrett attending it.
Any questions or other information regarding the seminars, its concept, and any feedback is also welcomed at:
Questions and comments, once again, are welcome. Thanks a lot,
Eduardo Alonso.