Will Broadcast the "2004 MIXED FIGHTING CHAMPIONSHIPS... RUSSIA vs. USA" MMA Event Beginning Saturday July 17th! will launch MAX TV on Saturday July 17th. Premiering first will be all nine fights from the historic March 2004 "MFC Russia vs. USA" event held at the Taj Mahal in Atlantic City.
The "MFC Russia vs. USA" show was one of the most exciting and critically acclaimed non-televised MMA events held so far in 2004 and is not available for sale on either VHS or DVD. has arranged with EUPHORIA, the MFC promoter, to air all nine exciting MFC fights. Premiering July 17th, the first three fights of the night will air, followed by the addition of two more fights each week until all nine fights are up and archived to be viewed as often as possible by members.
I spoke with McNabb at Hugh Hefner's birthday party and he seemed pretty enthusiastic about next season, but with the key defensive players that left the team... I don't know about 16-0 but I sure hope so.
UH-oh, I feel a Giant fan rant coming from deep inside, and it
starts w/ Eli Manning...not really, I think Collins was fine. Hey
Bruce out of curiosity, what was the invitation to Hef's party
like? I mean, it couldn't have been purchased at hallmark
Derek... I didn't receive an invite... I only got the call that my brother Michael and I were invited. It was a blast. The Wayon brothers from the movie "White Chicks" watched UFC 47 live on TV the night before and came up to me and were flipping out, as they are big fans.
Redneck... The first 3 fights of the MFC are scheduled to be up for broadcast at by 7 PM Saturday.
Have a great weekend everyone and have fun watching at MAX TV.