Mayhem was dipping tobacco?

QBBX51 - 
Cruz2ninjafoya - lol i was just messin around pal

ah, soz mate, no harm meant.

no worries!

john joe - what the fuck is dip/dipping?

Snuff, aka, smokeless tobacco in a can. Skoal, Copenhage, Kodiak, etc. Damn near a powder that is wedged in by your gum.

Chewing tobacco is different - the tobacco leaves are barely even mangled before being stuffed in a pouch. You stick a wad of it in your cheek, like you would a jaw breaker.

I did them both for many years and enjoyed the addiction very much. Eventually I was able to quit. Knowing that it would eventually lead to oral cancer was my motivation. I can only imagine the regret such patients must feel. Oh well, more than you asked for but there you go.

Mudderfaeg - I was dipping while watching the show. <br><br>WAR DIPPING!!!!! <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

 The show was on last night so,you can bet your sweet ass that Mayhem will be on here looking to see what people are saying about it.Its just a matter of if he sees this thread & comments.   

I have a friend who has been dipping for so long he just swallows that shit.

dang i watched the whole show and didnt catch, anyone got a GIF or pic of it?


Blowtorch19 - It wouldn't be suprising if he was. He does refer to himself as a redneck all the time. I'm not totally sure what it is about it but growing up wrestling, dip just seemed like part of the culture for some reason. Also watching TUF over the years I constantly notice guys with one in. Phone Post

80 % of my wrestling team in HS dipped (including me). Seemed to work as a good appetite suppressant.

And it was cool.

Legends - Yes he dips.

What kind ? Phone Post

Mudderfaeg - I was dipping while watching the show.

WAR DIPPING!!!!! Phone Post

Haha, legit.

We need a new weightclass called the dips. Phone Post

 a can of cope a week

I'm in for a gif. Right after second ferguson brother got triangled. Phone Post

Real men swallow.  No homo.

sunnyko -
Blowtorch19 - It wouldn't be suprising if he was. He does refer to himself as a redneck all the time. I'm not totally sure what it is about it but growing up wrestling, dip just seemed like part of the culture for some reason. Also watching TUF over the years I constantly notice guys with one in. Phone Post

Spit to lose weight. Phone Post

I dunno if there is any science facts behind it but yea. It did seem to work well as an appetite suppresant. Phone Post

Dokkalfar -

Lol I didn't understand why my dad thought this scene was so funny when i saw it as a little kid. Then years later I had my first dip and understood immediately. Phone Post

I've seen Bisping smoking before.

croy_00 -
Mudderfaeg - I was dipping while watching the show.

WAR DIPPING!!!!! Phone Post

Haha, legit.

We need a new weightclass called the dips. Phone Post

The dippers of the UG should make a team.

Dipping Top Team!

WAR DTT!!!! Phone Post

Blowtorch19 - 
sunnyko -
Blowtorch19 - It wouldn't be suprising if he was. He does refer to himself as a redneck all the time. I'm not totally sure what it is about it but growing up wrestling, dip just seemed like part of the culture for some reason. Also watching TUF over the years I constantly notice guys with one in. <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>
Spit to lose weight. <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>
I dunno if there is any science facts behind it but yea. It did seem to work well as an appetite suppresant. <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

Nicotine is definitely an appetite suppressant, and dip has quite a good nicotine content which is why it buzzes you much harder than smoking.

C4mac -
Mudderfaeg -  I was dipping while watching the show.

WAR DIPPING!!!!! Phone Post

 Seconded.  It's a more practical habit for an athlete than smoking, although I've known some smokers with world class cardio.  Freaks.

I remember reading somewhere that Jesse Owens was a pack a day smoker Phone Post

I guess you can call me a redneck too. It's a very good appetite suppressant and doesn't leave you smelling like shit like smoking. It keeps me from snacking and gaining weight. Phone Post