Floyd Mayweather Jr. allowed a deadline for striking a deal on a superfight with Manny Pacquiao to pass without saying anything. A day later Mayweather indicated that his stance wouldn't be changing anytime soon.
Pacquiao already has agreed to an equitable split of the earnings from the megafight, along with extensive drug testing.
Mayweather needs to stop being such a pussy
It's the only relevant fight in boxing and unfortunately, Mayweather is too afraid to fight.
I truly believe that Mayweather would fight Pac if he had a loss on his record.
Simply put, Mayweather would rather retire undefeated than actually fight a champ in his prime.
KirbyLovesDildo -Jetster - KirbyLovesDildo seriously how stupid are you and all Mayducker fans...
The fight never took place because Mayducker was trying to change the F@cking rules with Olympic testing...
Listen dumbass and listen closely now....Its not Mayduckers right or does he have it in his power to change the rules...
He is a boxer, he is suppose to box within the structured rules...ARE YOU FOLLOWING NOW CLOWNPUNCHER...
That's why Pac man did not and should not adhere to these ridiculous demands.
Continue now son...
He's trying to keep the sport clean, what's wrong with that? Mosley had the fucking balls to do it, why Pacquiao doesn't you seem to forget that Pacquiao ducked Mosley and that's not opinion it's a fact Freddie said it himself.
Pacquiao is a good fighter, but it's you fans that think every word that comes out of the media's mouth is true. Stop being fucking sheep. Because guess what? 100% of Pacquiao fans are fucking sheep.
You act as if Pacquiao is fighting everyone. Why isn't he fighting Williams? Why isn't he fighting Martinez? Why is he fighting fucking Margarito and then Miguel Cotto AGAIN?
Stop being a sheep.
Sheep? Stop gargling...
I could care less about Mayweather or Pac. During the first round of negotiations both sides could argue their point on their "belived" fighter, but after the scond go around it clear to just about EVERYONE with an IQ above 80 that Mayweather wants nothing to do with Pac. He played the drug testing card in the 1st go around, but couldn't do it the 2nd time around, remained silent until Pac finally signed a fight, and then runs his mounth in a tasteless/classless fashion. Have you noticed that the majority of people who where defending Mayweather are no longer around...there's a reason for that...he's shown his true colors and made it so obvious that the only people left buying it are those gargling his salty goods.
Mayweather has dodged and handpicked opponents his entire career. It's gotten him fame, money, and elite p4p status in boxing. He's a damn good boxer...probably one of the best p4p out there. With that said so is Pac! Pac stands a good chance at beating him, and Mayweather knows it. At first I though Mayweather was selling the fight, but I'll be surprised if it ever happens.
forthis -.
Sheep? Stop gargling...
I could care less about Mayweather or Pac. During the first round of negotiations both sides could argue their point on their "belived" fighter, but after the scond go around it clear to just about EVERYONE with an IQ above 80 that Mayweather wants nothing to do with Pac. He played the drug testing card in the 1st go around, but couldn't do it the 2nd time around, remained silent until Pac finally signed a fight, and then runs his mounth in a tasteless/classless fashion. Have you noticed that the majority of people who where defending Mayweather are no longer around...there's a reason for that...he's shown his true colors and made it so obvious that the only people left buying it are those gargling his salty goods.
Mayweather has dodged and handpicked opponents his entire career. It's gotten him fame, money, and elite p4p status in boxing. He's a damn good boxer...probably one of the best p4p out there. With that said so is Pac! Pac stands a good chance at beating him, and Mayweather knows it. At first I though Mayweather was selling the fight, but I'll be surprised if it ever happens.
Oh shut the fuck up you sheep. You're saying clearly Mayweather is ducking Pac? WELL, you fucking sheep have yet to answer the question I've been asking for months.
Why try to make a fight happen(With a stupid joke of a deadline) when Roger Mayweather's trial is literally a few weeks away(during the time of the "deadline" joke)?
You make Pacquiao sound so innocent. Watch the video I put above, Pacquiao has been fighting wash ups and whenever he fights a REALLY good fighter who is coming off wins its always bad performances, it happened against Marquez.
Watch the video, you dumbass. Pacquiao fought Morales when he got dominated right after he got dominated by Raheem for 12 Rounds. He fought an old MAB. He fought a deadbeat Oscar at 147(Who nearly killed himself to make the weight) he fought Ricky Hatton who got demolished by Mayweather and looked bad against Paulie. He fought Marquez and Marquez got robbed the 2nd time EASY.
To say Pacquiao is fighting the best makes me LOL. He ducked Margarito after the De La Hoya fight. He ducked Mosley. YET people kept saying to Mayweather his entire career saying stuff like "Why won't you fight Mosley?" Yet when he wins, you sheep make excuses saying "Oh he's old" well that just makes Pacquiao look bad considering how he ducked them.
also, Freddie Roach even said it himself "he hasn't looked good since the Margarito" so EXACTLY. Why not target Cotto?
Mayweather taking long vacations in his prime.....which is what great fighters don't do.
It will cost him. Eventually.
2005 = prime shane Mosley? Lol. You knowing lmao
In the last 5 years pacquiao beat washed up morales, cotto, mab, dlh, hatton, lost to "old man" Marquez.
That's so impressive bro. Fo reals. Really no joke. Now he's fighting a washed up margarito who looked horrible against Garcia. The chain goes on.
In 2005? Mosley wasn't even in the picture. He just came back from 2 back to back loses to Ronald wright. Mosley became relevant again when he dominated Vargas twice. Shows how much you know. Lol@prime Mosley in 2005.
Manny will put his black ass on top of an african wedding cake
Cotto got destroyed by plaster gloves.
De la Hoya didn't fight pacquiao at his natural weight he fought a drained dlh at 147 then after that fight ducked margarito.
Floyd didn't wanna fight margarito. Hell neither did pacquiao or winky.
Now that margarito is exposed and looked horrible his las couple of fights now pacquiao is fighting him.
Yeah morales beat him the first time. He even went southpaw in the 12th and basically gave manny that round a chance to ko him and still didn't do it. Then he lost a one sided beating Raheem before the rematch. The guy couldn't even make weight he was a shell of the great Erik morales that we once knew.
Anything else you gotta say?
How is it a fail. Look at the videos I posted.
Mayweather = grade A Wang.
This fight has GOT to happen, stop running 'Money' ffs.
lol at 5'8" guy calling 5'6.5" guy a midget...
KirbyLovesDildo - How is it a fail. Look at the videos I posted. <img src="/images/phone/post_tag.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>
It's a fail for obvious reasons that you just are too blind to see.
I'm not saying that Mayweather isn't a good fighter. He's one of the best p2p today. I'm not saying he couldn't or wouldn't win. I think he's got a good shot at beating Pac. HE DOESN"T WANT TO FIGHT PAC! Your calling everyone else on here a sheep...look in the mirror!!! Who cares about Roger Mayweather's trial. Mayweather still could have come out and said something have way intelligent. Mayweather called so much trash during the first round on negotiations to remain silent when Pac agreed to Mayweather's unfounded terms. This fight probably isn't going to happen, and the fault solely lies in Mayweather's corner.'s+hand+picked+his+opponents+his+entire+career&cd=4&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
this is why i love the Vote DOwn feature
All this boxing soap opera BS just makes me appreciate MMA all them more.
The Monkey vs the Midget.
The midget beats the primate down, then makes monkey boy climb a tree to get him a banana.
He talks SH!T for a guy that is SOOOO afraid to fight Manny, he passes up a 50,000,000. plus payday.
ESPN is right! He is a coward!
Floyd Monkey Mayweather.
Fetch me a banana.