McConor Calling Out Manny Pacquiao

I’d rather see him vs Nate in boxing, two 0-1 boxers facing each other on the undercard of a bigger fight sounds more competitive. I think Nate can win but Conor would be the favorite. As for Manny, I believe Manny finishes him.


Id like to see that just to see Manny beat the fuck out of him.

The true good guy of the sport and P4P Goat vs one of the biggest scumbags


Manny could do it with one hand

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And at 45+ still would destroy any version of Conor

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Conor bitching about UFC not using him when he won’t even follow the testing protocols even with Dana bending them every way he can for him.




Im sorry but any version of theMacPack, TheRealConor fighting Pacman would be child’s play for him…
You really want to murder a great boxer by putting him in a ring with a killa, which he has no business being in…
Father time reigns supreme, you dont want dis clout, step down and survive

So, its confirmed his leg is fucked up hands only for Conor

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Conor Mcgregor drops dead of a heart attack before the age of 45. Who wants that bet?

I’m calling it right here and now. Between the steroids he jumped on to heal faster, but ended up liking them so much, he abused them. To the alcohol and cocaine. His body cannot keep up with his lifestyle.


This is fucking hilarious :joy:

Floyd avoided prime Pacman for a reason, would be fun to see floyd vs pac today, but floyd wont do it

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Screenshot 2023-12-27 at 00.40.02

34yo lmoa
should lay off booze for good, looks like death
his last Christmas lol

They even pan the camera upwards to make him look taller

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Dude ain’t gonna last much longer no joke.


He looks really rough

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Pacquiao ais fighting buakaw

also holds his breath to look bigger

This answers Conors question, Manny is a man not a mouse.

Manny is one of the most respectable men in boxing history. Especially recent history. The big stars of boxing today mostly fight on Twitter.

Manny fought everyone he could. Sometimes much bigger opponents and still dominated them

All with a smile on his face while they ran their mouths outside the ring

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