McDojo fighters that compete

All these mcdojo fighters in my area get killed and I feel bad for them.
Is it possible for a mcdojo superstar to emerge in this day of mma

good luck, tell them the truth, I have one just down the street from me, total tma but now they have a wrestling coach so they are big time mma, the instructors have never done anything full contact but they show up at all the local events with their badass bandannas on passing out cards claiming to be ufc fighters and trainers, welcome to marketing 101

damn iPhone it edited my original post f@#k

It must suck to have no chance I once had a kid ask I'd if it was
regular for no one to get tapped out in sparring

The wierdest thing is the Tiger Shulman guys. The wierd thing is that for all the McDojo bullshit they have a group of guys that actually train. The have decent showing at Naga and I've heard of them doing well at MMA events. Doesn't jive with the 7yo Black Belt image that they have.

hey - at least they compete... they should start noticing soon that their skills are not like the rest...

I don't worry about anyone else except myself and my friends.

Its not that I feel bad for them for competing and getting beat. I feel
bad that they believe in someone who can't help them reach there goal

There are a couple east coast McDojos that field guys at amateur events - if you talk to the fighter, you quickly realize that he's not training karate, kung-fu, etc at the school at all.

You spelled weird wrong.

Tiger Schulman guys are tough as hell, with real skills. They have exactly nothing to do with TMA. I don't think they even call it karate any more. I don't know how they got lumped in with the standing on one foot with a rice flail in your hand set.

As far as TMA schools trying MMA or even grappling, a few are trying, which is great, but i never saw a really good one yet.