I recant. Floyd has no chance against an elite hs wrestler. And u should watch cm in jujitsu matches. Even Nelson who I love thinks he is an elite grappler
Honestly, Floyd with 6 months of grappling training rapes him.
I remember the days pre james toney how everyone was just spitting out names of boxers and k1 fighters plus 6 months sprawl training. Damn that died off pretty quick. If only these same clueless idiots just stayed away from these forums or started training to realise what it takes.
Btw floyd would ko conor in a boxing contest. No doubt about it. His boxing skills are too deep and vast for conor to comprehend and get comfortable with
"Ronda would dismantle him in seconds – 100%. When you don’t know how to grapple you don’t stand a chance. For us, it’s like playing with a baby."
hahahaha... after watching your last fight you don't know how to grapple either Conor. Even Rogan pointed out that you begged Herb to stand the fight up even though Chad was working the whole time. It was a clear sign you don't know what to do!
If Chad who he has a 9 inch reach on could get in and hit him at will Floyd would put him out with one shot.
He couldn't go for one sweep, not one submission, he couldn't get back to his feet unless Chad took a risk. Chad passed his guard and almost crucifixed him and I thought we would see BJ Penn Matt Hughes again. Conor should not talk about grappling until he learns to do it.
These are words that strike fear into Gayweather. He would make enough money that it would be worth his while. Money is the Red Herring - a million dollars for a night's work is good pay in anyone's book.
Floyd, along with every other boxer on the planet, knows that MMA resembles a fight more than boxing does and in a fight or in MMA, a boxer loses nineteen times out of twenty.
Floyd is scared. Even with meeting his demand for $300 million, he won't do it, because he doesn't want an ass whooping.
Hope he gets himself an accountant or something because the lifestyle he is living all of a sudden isn't cheap and the cheques won't be coming forever.
madbanker - People that think Floyd has any chance against an elite grappler is ridiculous (and yes I'm the only one on this Forum that can spell ridiculous ).
Conor is not an elite grappler lmao
Conor still destroys him with ease with grappling and striking. Stop hating.
I think conors grappling is very underrated. Guy trains with gunnar. I bet hed shock alot of you with how good he actually is. Thats right mendes took him down. Mendes is a whole other animal on the ground along with frankie. But im sure another year training like gsp did and there is no stopping him. I see alot of similarities between he and gsp. If he can close that gap like gsp did with wrestling. There's no stopping him.
Floyd is the champion of champions wtf would he come to Connor/Ronda's sport? They are the challengers. They would have to go to boxing to make that match.