All the negative nellies here crack me up. McGregor is where he is so quickly for a reason. I love his positive attitude full speed ahead damn the torpedos attitude its refreshing! Many fighters and couch warriors here could learn a thing or two from him. He constantly is dropping hints as to why he is walking through people and moving up so fast and it's not just from shit talking it's his mental attitude he already sees himself as the Champ and he literally believes that and he acts like it walks the walk etc. Which even though I will get shit for it I will say that is why he will be the Champ. Yep you heard it here first. He has made a decision to get the belt and he has the skills trains hard but most of all he believes it and lives it and envisions it in his mind. What the mind can conceive it can achieve... That is a key many will miss here and over look. Which is why most live a life of mediocrity or worse disappointment because it is a major key to getting anything you want in life...
I've been a fan of Siver since the Sotiropoulos fight. I was devastated when he was caught using. Either way, I think it'll be an awesome test for both men!
PredatorUK - Some people on here are hard to please. It cracks me up.
Fighters talk shit they get abused for being cocky and arrogant.
Fighters are respectful and quiet they get abused for being boring.
This. Not that any of this will bother McGregor in any shape or form. He will go on to fame and fortune anyway and UG will complain every step of the way.