Mezger's BADASS finale yesterday!!

All the guy had to do was last 5 minutes, survive basically right. So he gets a takedown on a profighter and is gonna lay'n'pray it out, against a pro fighter remember, and Shamrock stands it up? What a fucking asshole. He deserves the $25 grand.

sounds like they used pride/ufc/kotc rules. stand it up when nothings happening

If a profighter is getting controlled by an amateur and can't sub him or get up in a contest such as this sounds like some bullshit.

Thanks for the info- I was wondering what ever happened to his TV show.

you are in breach of agreement of the highly recognized BADASS show. You may be sued up to $15.00 by Guy. So he can get a free haircut.

The fight was conducted totally professionally done. Come on someone else on this forum was surely there yesterday.

so the guy (marc) was on all fours and got soccer kicked in the face?

Yeah well the guy went down do to kicks and then he got kicked more like a head on style kick as in the NFL football. NO ONE complained so I assume if no one there thought it was against the rules they agreed to then we don't know enough to say anything. It was a kickass event with a great fight!

I was there, but I left before the final fight. I guess a lot more people showed up when I left, because at about 2 PM there was only 500 people max. I have the results of the amateur fights if you are local or know someone who was fighting. Link:

Glad your on this thread. I estimated like 5,000 at the peak. What would you guess?

My friend I went with said easily a few thousand but maybe not 5. Who can say? There were allot.


Guy if you're reading this great show!! I can still see that last kick Alex threw when the guy was down, that was a great moment.

Oh and for all the people hating on Ken. How many fighters have you trained? I think Ken knows fighting a bit better than you guy's.


I was there for the whole event......your estimate on the amount of people that showed is way off.

At the peak there were maybe 500-600 people not 5000!

Good undercard fights.........

No way Spidermonkey! I may not be any good at guessing the size of the crowd but there were over a couple of thousand my friend thinks so to.

I was there as well, and at peak there were 500 people.

Didn't stay and watch the final though...after my boy Juan went to WAR we left to get some grub and begin the drunken revelry that always marks our Saturdays.

p.s. The Lion's Den was pulling some VERY janky shit trying to get their fighters a win. In the first fight, the time-keeper kept calling "round" at the wrong time in the middle of a sub-attempt by the non-Lion's Den fighter. The eventual winner, whom we dubbed "Little Mischief" actually won that fight three times that day with subs, but the "ref" and "judges" robbed him of all but the last.

Even worse than Busta vs. Lindland.

He could have always drank that glass of milk. Guy had it ready for him!

Can you imagine how hard we would have all laughed if the guy had drank the milk? Man he really would have had to go cry to his mommy! lol!!

I could not make it out for was just over in Lewisville...close for me....Sucks...


From reading the descriptions this whole concept sounds bootsy... Drinka glass of milk and cry to your momma??? jesus christ that's just janky...