Michael Chandler - Extreme Ownership

Decent documentary on Michael Chandler’s story, his ups and downs, trials and tribulations, changing his mindset to a championship one, defining greatness by how he makes an impact.

It’s funny in that it shows Michael Chandler in a wholesome way, yet the narrartor talks with a strong NY accent and will after it shows Michael Chandler motivating little kids it will show a clip of Chandler fighting and he’ll say, “and Chandler knocked him the Fuck out” lol

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Cool, can’t wait to watch.

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for later

Cool - nice little motivational boost :slight_smile:

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This is received better than I thought it would. I’m glad others enjoyed it and we’re also motivated by it. I had a really rough year last year and kind of lost myself and who I am but my friends wife the other day put up some motivational signage in her house and that coupled with Chandler’s words of motivation has given me a new outlook on things and back in the right mindset.

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