Middleweight and Heavyweight div

Now that Hopkins is gone or will be shortly the Middleweight and Heavyweight division is starting to look disappointing. Taylor is talented but im still not impressed with him. Fighters today dont seem to be as seasoned as Hagler, Duran, Hearn or Ray Leonard were after their first 20ish odd fights. The Heavyweight division just sucks. Winky good fighter but no power, Vargas to me has lost something and i dont think he will ever find it. Taylor is talented but he is still lacking in the skill and conditioning area. That speed will only last for so long. Ruiz, Bird and Rahman i feel are replacement heavyweight scabs.

What? With some peoples scoring Byrd just got another dimention. I thought he was just a no offence armpuncher. But after seeing how some people scored the Winky - Soliman fight I now understand that Byrds punches are in reality whipping the opponents badly. How blind Ive been.

Taylor really impressed me in his rematch with Nard. He paced himself much better, demonstrating that he gained a lot of experience from his first bout with the crafty old timer.

It will be very interesting to watch JT in the future.

Bernard wasnt exactly beating 160 pound world burners during his streak. Taylor is a legit champ with a bright future, and there are as many credible people in the division as Bernards reign. Jones and Toney were touring in that division a decade ago, not the last few years. DLH and Tito moved up because they were bored and looking for challenges.

The heavyweight division is a joke, i agree. The biggest problem is there are 4 bums running around with belts instead of one head bum. Its hard to take the division serious when each strap is held by a questiobale fighter. Until the multiple belts are done away with, or they hold an eliminator for a undisputed champ the division will continue going downhill.