Miesha Tate Vs Ronda Rousey at Strikeforce in MAR

Ronda will surprise Miesha and land a head kick for the win. Then, she will just break her arm for the fun.

 Can't wait.

Ronda Rousey has some of the sickest armbars and armbar transitions in all of MMA. She's a baddd motherfucker, man! Looking forward to the fight.

unzips Phone Post

 I fear for Meisha in this fight.  And I feel I know her personally after watching this gif:

 there is a slight possiblitly that they could get naked and totally lez out. gotta watch.

Ronda by armbar Phone Post

Masakyst - WTF!!! Why is this newbie getting Sarah Kaufman's title shot?!

this : ( Phone Post

Glovegate - Sarah's probably too angry to post rn.

she must train like hell and come back for that belt after the fact, no matter who's holding it. sux for her, but it's a done deal now : ( Phone Post

Pants..... Getting........ Tighttttttt...... Phone Post

mclifford82 -  Ronda by submission in the first. Phone Post

 Rhonda bi submission......

Wow. Lot of top contenders going to be extra mad.


Glovegate - Sarah's probably too angry to post rn.

Kaufmann will post. Just give her time. She's not playing games man.

WAR MIESHA!!! Phone Post

erikmfx -  I fear for Meisha in this fight.  And I feel I know her personally after watching this gif:

Dat ass!!!!!!!!! Phone Post

ladythunderface - 
Glovegate - Sarah's probably too angry to post rn.
she must train like hell and come back for that belt after the fact, no matter who's holding it. sux for her, but it's a done deal now : ( Phone Post

 ronda vs miesha is the biggest fight wmma can put on right now. what part of this are you too stupid to comprehend?

the fans want to see it. so please. stop pretending to be a female and posting your stupid shit here. go away. not a fuck will be given. i promise.

bye now

LittleKang - 
erikmfx -  I fear for Meisha in this fight.  And I feel I know her personally after watching this gif:

Dat ass!!!!!!!!! Phone Post
dat toe!


Can't be March 3rd the UFC is breaking in the flyweights on that day in history. Phone Post


Masakyst - WTF!!! Why is this newbie getting Sarah Kaufman's title shot?!