Rousey's toughest opponent in this fight will be the weight cut.
it'll be the best thing for the ladies. It's the fight people want.
HOWEVER, Sarah is a smart girl. This is good for her as well. When she gets her 3rd shot, it's going to mean more.
And if we are being perfectly honest. I hope Sarah is getting ready for March, as I'm thinking Tate is going to have an "injury" that prevents this fight from taking place.
Miesha vs. Ronda is the fight people want.
Sarah vs. Ronda is the best possible fight in the division.
Sarah vs. Miesha who cares?
trent205 - Wow way to fuck Sara Kaufman out of here title shot! She's won two since and she should have had a immediate in my opinion.
It's not like Ronda can't fight the winner in may. Pretty piss poor if true.
Have Ronda fight at 135 on the same card.
Rhonda by arm bar, easy win.
BrCutter -trent205 - Wow way to fuck Sara Kaufman out of here title shot! She's won two since and she should have had a immediate in my opinion. <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>It's not like Ronda can't fight the winner in may. Pretty piss poor if true. <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>
It's not like Sarah can't fight the winner in May, and possibly have people care.
Way to soon imo they should keep milking RR and build her up . But enjoyable fight non the less
hopefully @ the Arnold or in CHICAGO!!!
This fight needs to be 10 rounds.
No striking. At all.
No submissions until after 5 rounds.
can't wait for this to happen
BrCutter -trent205 - Wow way to fuck Sara Kaufman out of here title shot! She's won two since and she should have had a immediate in my opinion. <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>It's not like Ronda can't fight the winner in may. Pretty piss poor if true. <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>
1ChromosomeTooMany - You had me at "going down"
Rousey is obviously ducking Cyborg if she takes fight with Tate...
OaktownWhiteBoy -Jimenez - Way to soon imo they should keep milking RR and build her up . But enjoyable fight non the less
Ronda is too big a star already to deny her a shot at the title.
But who has she fought ? Kaufman deserves it more .. But i see why theyd do it now rather than later
Good, its the biggest female mma fight since Cyborg/Gina, its the fight the fans actually care about, nobody cares to see Tate/Sarah K fight, she can get winner.
Sucks for her but this is the fight people actually care about, this is the fight that will actually help womens mma and get people to actually care about womens mma.
TOWE - Rousey is obviously ducking Cyborg if she takes fight with Tate...
So because Rhonda wants to fight at a more natural weight class for her she is ducking Cyborg? Why doesn't tate go up weight and fight Cyborg? Is GSP fucking Cain Velasquez?
tate fans have been whining this shit for weeks because they know Rhonda is going to smash her.
BigWilliam -TOWE - Rousey is obviously ducking Cyborg if she takes fight with Tate...
So because Rhonda wants to fight at a more natural weight class for her she is ducking Cyborg? Why doesn't tate go up weight and fight Cyborg? Is GSP fucking Cain Velasquez?
tate fans have been whining this shit for weeks because they know Rhonda is going to smash her.
It has nothing to do with Tate and your comparisons to GSP/Cain just make you look like a fucking idiot.
Rousey called Cyborg out, knows she bit off more than she can chew, so now she wants to drop a weight class and duck her. Plain and simple.
Kaufman has worked her way back up deserves the shot against Tate, she earned it.
No shame in ducking Cyborg. I'd cross to the other side of the street if I saw her on a Sunday afternoon.
Rousey's manager: "We want see how she does at 135, come back up & fight some other girls at 145..we're in no hurry to fight Cyborg"
In other words according to their plans a Cyborg vs Rousey fight is not happening in the foreseeable future.
Btw in her MMA Junkie interview Ronda said she wanted to fight Cyborg at 135 or a catchweight. Only a few weeks before she was claiming she wanted both titles. What happened?
Kaufman should have either gotten that title shot against Tate or have Tate fight somebody else while Kaufman and Rousey fought to determine who was next.
OaktownWhiteBoy -Jimenez - Way to soon imo they should keep milking RR and build her up . But enjoyable fight non the less
Ronda is too big a star already to deny her a shot at the title.