Miesha Tate Vs Ronda Rousey at Strikeforce in MAR

Rhonda unpointys elbows. Phone Post

queazy - can rhonda make 135- or is it one of those i'll cut my win purse casue im over-weight and take the title anyway. i hope tate brings the fight to rhonda. we haven't seen shit from rhonda other than an arm bar and olypic vids. she wanted the best but chose to fight tate at 135 instead of cyborg at 145. well, im waiting to see what happens. You can train with guys wanting to suck your penis all day but when you get in with a bitch that aint kissing your ass with legit skills thats the real test. looks dont matter if it aint a beuty pagent. not a rhonda fan or basher. i want her to back up what she talks. sad day in rhonda land if she gets exposed. would have been better for her to take a loss form cyborg than tate. i thinkk shes underestimating tate a bit too much. would like to see a chaves vs camacho ass whooping in this one

She has to make weight for it to be a title fight Phone Post

 Hard to blame a girl for ducking a chemical factory

1ChromosomeTooMany -  Hard to blame a girl for ducking a chemical factory

I checked back into this thread after looking at the Cyborg thread to see the reaction. This comment alone made it worth it.

stonepony - 
Masakyst - WTF!!! Why is this newbie getting Sarah Kaufman's title shot?!
4 straight 1st round finishes. Averaging about 30 seconds per fight. That's why.

 Ronda has definitely won her 4 fights fast, but against inexperienced fighters at a HIGHER WEIGHT. I'm not saying she does't have the ability to do well against Miesha, but what I am saying is that I've fought the best people in my division and have earned my way back to the title. And in 15 fights I have 10 KOs. 

It's utter Bulls#&$ 

Sarah makes a good point. Phone Post

this is now the #1 fight with the PED positive test for Cris Cyborg... I give Meisha :43 seconds before submitting to a very painful armbar that, hopefully, Meisha taps too. Otherwise, her arm will break.

I forsee Sarah getting the next shot and I highly advice you to keep your face pretty, maintain distance and give Rhonda a true test of endurance. Nobody knows if Rhonda can truly take a punch of your caliber. Work the jab to open up combinations and NEVER allow Rhonda to take you down, she can be beaten.

God Bless

~ a friend of Monte

 not to be a dick, but rankings mean shit. ask fitch. it comes down to zuffa puts on the fights the fans want to see.

i see it sucks when you get screwed over, but this is the biggest fight in wmma unless gina were to come back. Ronda is flat out the person who is giving wmma the most exposure. women in mma should be happy. She is the one getting herself all over the media and getting a ton of buzz surrounding her.

 Mieshka wins in 4rds

SikRick -  Mieshka wins in 4rds

Wat Phone Post

They just said it was going down on the third. Happy Birthday to me. Phone Post

To be fair Sarah has won 2 fights in a row since losing the strap and Ronda has won her last four, granted the competition isn't as strong but it is what it is. Maybe it is somewhat unfair to Sarah but this is the fight fans want to see and it will put asses in seats. So to call it "utter bs" is a bit of a leap.

Ronda will destroy her



I agree 100% that Ronda should not be leapfrogging & getting a title shot.I was just wondering what you or Meisha would believe is enough fights before she should get a title shot in her weight class or 135 6,7,8,9,10,11,12?


 Great interview I did with Miesha Tate!!!

-Vincenzo Ferraro

Here's some facts for you, JUDO is NOT MMA I believe Ronda Rousey has yet to be challenged in MMA, I'm not going to be kind to her face & I believe when she's on her back my ground n pound & elbows will be a game changer for Miss Rousey She has a great armbar from mount but she will not get there in this fight,
- I have 20 fights overall & have never been mounted
- I have never been submitted
- I have already fought & beaten a similar opponent in hitomi Akano (77% of her wins via submission & 13 of her 14 submission wins via armbar)
The accumulation of records of all the opponents I have faced is 107-62
-I have a huge heart & love for this sport & am absolutely determined to win this fight, I will surprise like I did against Marloes & injury free this time

-Ronda has 7 fights & little cage experience with that even
-Ronda has never faced any1 with my style or background
-Ronda has never fought someone of my caliber
-Ronda has never Been tested
-Her accumulative opponents record is 14-8
-She has never competed at 135 & was adamant she could never go that low not long ago

I know MANY of you do not believe in me but I DO and I am very much looking forward to proving you wrong I will be coming with a vengeance

I respect Rondas judo background & obviously most of you do too but once again I feel highly underestimated & these are the facts listed above that I FEEL most are missing
Take it for what you will but I will be back to say I told you so!

Miesha Tate

she's gonna rush and clinch you Miesha, is your hip game strong enough to avoid her tosses??? If not, it's going to be a short night, imo..

tikmovado -

They have these girls bickering and complaining all over, dudes for the most part are like I will fight who they put in front of me. I will work harder. I will get my shot. I need to preform better.

 there is this guy Jon Fitch

Ronda is world class at judo.
Is natural 145 pounder, not 128 pounder like Akano.
Has great grappling, judo style - not BJJ or catch.
And has all the confidence in the world.

Ronda probably never fought against someone at Miesha's level, but has Miesha fought anyone like Ronda, with the skillset, athleticism and strength that Ronda brings?

This fight is hard to predict.

If Ronda get's early takedown, we know how it ends, but if it goes to later rounds, we can't predict how fight will go because we have never seen Ronda fighting for more than minute. Maybe she is really tough and even more dangerous later, or maybe she will gas out and Miesha will beat her. Who knows.