Has anybody ever seen the two train together? (yes, I know that training isn't fighting)
Ben just mentioned that Barnes uses his height/reach against Rhadi when they fight. Is Rhadi shorter than I realize? The reason I mention this is that I have met Barnes, and stood right next to him, and he really is not big at all. Sure, he is bigger than me, but since I am a bit below 170lbs and maybe 5'10" on a good day, that doesn't say very much.
I swear, he weighed in well under 100kg at the worlds, so he could make 90kg with a proper diet.
Barnes pointed to me, however, that he is already at the worlds for 100kg right now, so changing weight classes isn't really a viable/useful option, but I am still curious.
Is Olsen a big 90kg player? Anybody know what the size difference is?
size difference between brian and barnes? not much really. barnes doesnt look big, but he is about 6'1 and his reach is pretty damn good.
i dont think ive ever seen him get out-reached to the point that he couldnt get his grip (not discussing grip-fighitng skills, just pure reach).
they fought one another years ago when barnes was a -86kg player. it was at the 96 olympic trials i think. brian threw barnes with osoto, but like i said, that was a long, long time ago.
so seriously, why did Barnes choose 100kg over 90kg? Does he hate dieting? ;o) I realize that he won't switch now as he has his points, etc., but I mean about 4 years ago when he made the decision...why?
he can definitely make 90kg and he would have a size advantage then...as opposed to being undersized vs. the big 100kg players like Gill, etc.
(Gill is also about 6'1" isn't he?...but he seems to have an ENORMOUS wing-span when I watch him grip fight)
that i cant answer. youd have to ask him yourself.
Isn't Gill small for an -100kg?
I saw him compete at -86kg in 1995. I thought maybe if he moved to -100kg then his speed would be his advantage.
I remember seeing Gill at the Quebec open and I didnt think he was taller then 6 ft maybe even less. Anyone know how tall Inoue is?
Barnes has never really been at 100kg for any tournament. He's always been plenty underweight. I've seen him eat a full breakfast and weigh-in with all his clothes on just to make the min. weight requirement. He's been lifting real hard lately and has bulked in the last couple months, but still a little light for 100kg. By nationals and the trials he will be right at 100kg though.
Nicolas is about 6'1" and around 225lbs, so he is at the top of the division.
i dont think he
s small .look at his ears.
I guess he could always wear a mullet to cover his ears. You think?
If he really is 225 lbs then he must be all muscle.
That's a huge weight gain from -86kg to -100kg. But
he still looks slender somewhat.
Josh, seeing as how you see him everyday, wouldn't it be easier for you to ask him ;o)
Tartaranga, remember, Nic medaled at the Olympics at about 20 years old at 86kg (1992). By the time Athens (96) came around he was following a very strict diet in order to keep his weight close to 190lbs/86kg. Right after (as he had a disappointing performance) he said that he had wished that he moved up a weight class earlier as 95kg was now his natural weight class.
He got hurt, and by the time he came back (hurt for 97-98ish) the weight class was now 100kg. He looks slender because his arm reach seems to be enormous IMO. I have never seen Gill be muscled around in a match of his that I have watched. Even strong guys like Traineau didn't do it. Heck, Gill is huge if you see him walking around the stadium after he competes.
Gill is definitely not undersized at 100kg at anyrate. In fact, he seems strong enough and quick enough to make a move at 100+ like Suzuki and Milkayline have (as Kosei isn't up there ;o) However, Kosei is his demon, so moving up would defeate the purpose of trying to beat him one last time this year.
It is similar to how Yoshida was 78kg in 1992 but won the worlds at 90kg in 1999. He was still very young in 1992 so moving up one weight class (to 86 which was then changed to 90) isn't as hard as you are just getting bigger in your 20s anyway.
Thanks for the detailed post there Sothy. A big applause! :)
What's impressive is that if Gill was really that strong and long armed, it is incredible that he thrown the way Inoue threw him at the 2000 games. He threw him like a ragged doll!
the reason i said you should ask him yourself is becuase that's the type of answer that people might ake the wrong way. either way, it was a personal decision and i respect that way too much to post somebody else's personal decisions on the net for others to discuss. im sure you understand that. =)
reach and strength are only 2 factors in judo. in all honesty they mean nothing unless you know how to use them. gill does, thats for sure. but, all the same, when a guy like kosei comes along with the skill level he somehow has-- which is just considerably more than anybody else in the HW divisions right now--there isnt any shame in losing to him unless you didnt even try to win.. and that is somehting Gill has always done, press the fight to his best abilities.
Yep. Gill put up a good fight until that uchimata.
Almost caught him with trademark throw.
BTW what is the name of that throw Gill uses. It looks like ukiwaza or yoko otoshi.
"Has anybody ever seen the two train together? (yes, I know that training isn't fighting)
Ben just mentioned that Barnes uses his height/reach against Rhadi when they fight. Is Rhadi shorter than I realize"
Well, I don't think I said he uses it against Rhadi, but in general the reach/height thing is/can be an advantage. Rhadi is a very saavy grip fighter (as is Mike), so any advantage was pretty much nullified, other than the problem of dealing with it.
Ben R.
" think when barnes moved up to 100kg , it was a very weak divison....at the time brian was 3rd in the world and very very strong. i think it was a smart move on his part , he was able to go to worlds, and looks like he has a good chance at the olympics...... gill is the strongest player in 100kg,it`s to bad he finished 5th at worlds , he was the 2nd best guy in the divison on that day. i don`t think he`s small .look at his ears. "
Nice observation, usaclown. I don't think Gill is that small either, regardless of his ear size!
I think Gill is a very strong guy, probably his being shorter (I think) than most 100 kg guys is an advantage. Looking at his style of Judo, that makes sense to me.
Ben R.
"Barnes has never really been at 100kg for any tournament. He's always been plenty underweight. I've seen him eat a full breakfast and weigh-in with all his clothes on just to make the min. weight requirement. He's been lifting real hard lately and has bulked in the last couple months, but still a little light for 100kg. By nationals and the trials he will be right at 100kg though. "
It's a HUGE advantage to not have to cut weight, both psychologically and physically, especially at the upper levels where you weigh in the morning of the matches. If Mike can get stronger and fairly lean right at 100 kg, it will be a big advantage to him I think.
Ben R.
"What's impressive is that if Gill was really that strong and long armed, it is incredible that he thrown the way Inoue threw him at the 2000 games. He threw him like a ragged doll!"
It's called superior technique. Inoue will eventually get his grip, at which point Nic is in grave danger of flying. So Nic has to expend tons of energy and attention on not letting Inoue get two hands on him. Nic has to resort more to hit and run tactics, which take a lot of energy.
Ben R.
He ended up getting a wazari against Jeon. That was when he was at -86kg. 95 worlds.
Cuipe and edmonds are good players. personally i think gill has more to worry about from cuipe than edmonds, mainly because cuipe has some great foot techniques and with a reconstructed knee thats something to worry about.