Mike Perry, Frank Mir To Fight in Triangle Ring for Triller Triad Combat

I didn’t know fat Joe was handicapped now.

Good fuck im

I missed that. He’s genuinely crippled?

He’s mentally handicapped


I feel like I wasted my $2.99 with these four jackasses. I think I will mute it after every fight. Thrall should have got that decision too. Hoping this does not end up being a screw job to the MMA fighters.


Those guys around the table are so annoying

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Right on a 0-4 fighter.

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Let’s go Team Krause

0-5 for that soccer mom

My god the commentary between fights is atrocious. Fat joe being an annoying fat fuck


Well that girl just beat the shit out of that middle aged crackhead

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Perry vs Bika!!!

Oh boy, Perry got no chance

I feel like most the people there are actually there to see Metallica lol

They said that boxer was in a abusive relationship and ended up kno king him out and beating him up.
I wonder what her junkie partner looked like.

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Wtf she did that to him?

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She made for one heck of a heavy bag.

I’m pissed I just caught that this was today, I was looking for a fight card to watch earlier on.

Tumenov is a fun fighter.

Joe Rogan loves talking about Albert Tumenov

Yeah he was pretty decent in the UFC and he has a boxing background I think?

Rampage looks thick solid and tight

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