Mike Perry, Frank Mir To Fight in Triangle Ring for Triller Triad Combat

The answer is after the black album.

After Justice is also an acceptable answer


Was expecting shit, hell this is a fun show.

This fight is great!

These announcers are solid professionals, not Rogan or DC calling everyone the GOAT or one sided commentary.

Never thought I would say this butā€¦ War Triller!


MMA guys are doing great so far!


Campos might gas himself out if he doesnā€™t get the ko throwing the way he is.

I cannot wait to see Perry in this format, thereā€™s no way that fight wonā€™t be utterly insane


Dude youā€™re totally right.

Vera canā€™t seem to block anything

This event is like the middle ground between boxing and bare knuckle fighting lol.


Wellā€¦ this seems to be two guys beating the ever living shit outta each other in a triangular shaped ringā€¦


Rampage is going to be doing some moshing when they play Whiplash.

Iā€™m a fan of his music, whatā€™s he saying? I missed it.

Man, if there was a fast track to CTE, this is itā€¦

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These guys deserve a serious fuckin bonus

Is Vitor just boxing now or would he do one of these?

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Iā€™m a still a big fan of theirs but their 80s work cannot be topped. A lot of metal heads hate them because they arenā€™t still thrashing it like the boys in Exodus or Slayer 30-40 years later.

They make the music they want to make. Death Magnetic is my favorite contemporary work of theirs, and the closest they have gotten to their pure thrash sound. At first I hated them when they changed their style, but I got older and realized the music was still good, I was just constantly comparing it to the classics.

They like to experiment with different things and I appreciate that. They do have some terrible songs though, donā€™t get me wrong.



Shit is insane

Great fight, these guys surely donā€™t get paid enough for this lol.

Im loving this shit honestly.

Can someone please DM me a link


was fun

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