Mike Perry v. Jake Paul July 20th?

Ellie Kemper Nerd GIF by The Office


Three times in one sentence sets my OCD alarm off.

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English isn’t his first language you asshole

Sorry. At least he knows how to use Two.

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Perrys only chance is BK .I hope im wrong


Paul by decision. They have sparred and Paul has gotten the better of him allegedly

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Its streamed on Netflix is there even PPV?

I think if Paul loses the Tyson fight is more compelling… The only people who dontnwant to watch Tyson/Paul are people who think Tyson is too old and is getting knocked out… If they see a poor outing from Paul they might tune in.

I think Paul winning probably wouldn’t hurt the Tyson fight… Its exposure at least… A few more people might not tune in but others will probably be gained from more recent exposure.

The Tyson fight is on Netflix but the Perry fight would likely be a PPV, I assume. Not sure Netflix had much interest in it but guess we will find out if it’s true.

Idk how the Perry fight will affect the Tyson fight. I just don’t think it’s smart to risk any sort of injury if you have that big of a bag lined up in Nov but maybe he figures even if he’s KOd he can still fight Mike.

I don’t see anyone else confirming the Perry fight so until then, I’m still skeptical of it happening. Hope it does though.

Jake is smart, he’s got 4 fights lined up. Perry in July; Tyson in Nov then KSI and Tommy Fury in 25. All fights that people will want to see. He’s making more than almost every boxer out there and keeping fans interested.


He needs to fight conor too

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Fuck yeah, glad Tyson’s not fighting. Need to keep whatever brain cells he has left together. He’s a national treasure and id hate to see him get brain damaged from a dipshit like Paul.
War Mike Perry

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You take it too serious lol

Paul has gotta loose a lot of weight

What is teh height/weight difference?

Yeah looks like he bulked up on more steroids for the Tyson fight.
He looks 220-227lbs

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Just checking in…


Perry’s got a big uphill battle in this one. Logan is going to come out looking fucking huge BEEP. He’s probably epo’d to the fucking gills, and he’s been training nothing but real boxing, for Mike fucking Tyson…

That being said, I’m already stoked he’s getting the cash, I hope he lands the Hail Mary now!

Jake or Logan?
U said Logan, is that a typo, or is he fighting Logan?