Mistake Costs Father Of 3 His Life

Any time you attempt to contront someone in a dangerous situation you need to be armed with a lethal weapon.

DarrylDragon- Your right bro...when it comes to a life, then its worth fighting for.

Your wallet, your car, etc..can all be replaced. lol.

If someone confronted me and I had one of my kids with me, I'd seriously think about killing that person without any type of thought whatsoever. But we all can't run strapped....Can we..?

LeftBench...that quote is mine, as far as I know.

I have come out my front door a few times (I live in San Bernbardino For Christs sakes) I always have a BIG ass light and my dogs. One punks voice squeeled as he heard my dogs and as I noted above I know first hand the risk. A man is a man I guess.

Good thread by Sam Pai Kenpo.

old guard...that's a good, but sad story.

jusczec...I don't know why it happens, but it does.  I've made mistakes myself that look really stupid in hindsight.  I wrote a post about a road rage incident, that I could have avoided by driving away.  Being an Alpha Male, it's hard to do sometimes.

Mighty Quinn...you never know when someone else you didn't see is backing up the guy.  Forget your nature, don't get involved unless you have to.

MightyQuinn...read bignightmare's post right above yours.

LOL @ mShagger V2. 

This thread is a public service announcement from Sam Pai Kenpo.  I have no ulterior motive.  I just don't like to see things like this happen. 

As far as giving in to a criminal, I think each case is different.  I don't see any valid reason to arm yourself and go outside to protect your vehicle or searching your home for an intruder.  That's what the police are trained and equipped to handle. 

BTW, I'm not saying I wouldn't have done this myself, it's just not wise.

Thanks to Kirik for bringing this thread back to the UG.

Nice thing about a fifteen million candle power light is that I can be about 800 hundred yards away and still count your flees. It is absolutely blinding.

Surprised no one has brought out the old, "Call for a pizza and then call for a cop; guess who gets there first?" saw.

That's probably the only thing that nags at me. Sure, we SHOULD wait for the cops, but if it's something involving me or my family...I may not wait for the cops....


Reminds me of the late great Alex Gong. I feel bad for the man's family and wish them the best.

Off Topic: SPK, what do you think of Krav Maga's weapon disarms and defenses? Are you familiar with it?

Very sad story but a great thread and a good reminder.

God Bless

Invincible...I'm not familiar with the Krav Maga disarms.  I learned some good disarms in Sam Pai Kenpo.

Darryl Dragon...if you or your family is in danger, I don't recommend waiting for the police to respond.  I keep a loaed 9MM in a quick access safe in my bedroom.  I am also trained and mentally prepared to use it if necessary.

Gary Hughes

"Very classy to use someone's death as a way to build your internet persona.
'Learn from the mistakes of others, it's much less painful.' again classy.

This thread should be deleted."

Yup, this thread is tasteless but Gary's the biggest fucking cheesebag on this board so don't sweat it too much.

*Edited to say that Gary is the biggest fucking cheesebag.

No lie. A guy who lived in my apartment complex was going to work one morning very early. Two guys were breaking into his car. My neighbor confronted them and was shot dead. He was a father of five. Damn shame.

Canookie...thanks for keeping my thread at the top Douche Bag!

Gary Hughes