Mistake Costs Father Of 3 His Life

covh14514...good post.   I would also agree with giving up your money, but beware, you can still get killed.  Each situation is different.  Trust your intuition and know  your limitations.

hard decision to make at the time. "like someones taking my shit i better stay here and call the police"
and if someone is messing with family?

Every year in Oklahoma their is several burglars shot and killed. About 90% of home owners in this state own a real gun of some sort and they know how to use them. Needless to say home invasions are rare in these parts. I guess Oklahoma is still a mans state.

Personally, I think every home should have at least one gun.

atta boy Gary. One of these days I think that people in liberal states will figure out what we Okies and Texans have already figured out, that it does not pay to cower in the corner and wait on the police. Better to Die standing in battle than kneeling in the foxhole.

nice thread ppl lots of good and different points of view here..


FlopsyBunny...I'm not living in terror, I'm just well prepared.

flopsy b,

what country do you live in?

I know ours can be pretty messed up, but can't imagine a better place, a place most others want to come to.


But in hindsight, and if you were a serious criminal caught in the act,
approached by someone with a gun and you had one, would you use it?

Of course you would. If you want to take the law into your hands,
make sure you're more powerful than you appear, not less.

Also, ones situation you should NOT obey an armed criminal(s) is when
you're about to be kidnapped or taken hostage, e.g. told to get into his
car's trunk. Any expert will say 1. run the fuck away and 2. start
making noise. The point is to exit immediately, but if I started in range
(close enough) I'd probably throw a sharp hook or one-two to distract

In Texas

Chamber deer rifle, slowly -- quietly, don't scare them away. Slowly open up bedroom window. Quarter the burglars head with your crosshairs. Shit. lay rifle down tell wife and kids to cover their ears.

Go pick rifle up and re-quarter the burglars head. switch off safety, press trigger gently while pausing your breathing. balam. awww gawd damn look at the brains on that mother.

It's sad but true!

Bad guys have no fear anymore.

To many laws protecting "them" and prosecuting those who protect themselves!

FCTV808...you can't kill someone for breaking into your car!! Your life must be in danger. You could legally place the person under citizen's arrest and call the police. The wisest choice would probably be to turn around and get out of Dodge as quickly as possible and let the PD handle it. If you can get a good description and possibly a license plate that's great, but I wouldn't risk my life to do that either.

The only problem with this is the victim has to wait for the criminal to act in a threatening manner, which usually by the time they have is far too late. And seriously when do you know when your life is in danger, after you got shot. Screw that, someone's enters my property and I catch them and I have the ability to they will die. And I would not feel the least bit bad about it, as the Karate Kid taught "when a man confronts you he is the enemy, no mercy to the enemy" And it is always better to be judged by 12 family men who would probably do the same thing you did than being carried in a box by 6 idiots that never graduated high school. Someone demands your wallet you get close enough to hand it to them and when you go to pull it out of your pocket the knife comes out and it goes into their stomach

Some areas are safer than others, but crime can happen anywhere. 

"To many laws protecting "them" and prosecuting those who protect themselves!"

It's fine to argue that self-defense laws need revised, but, come on, don't claim the law helps "them" more than it helps "us."

"The only problem with this is the victim has to wait for the criminal to act in a threatening manner, which usually by the time they have is far too late. And seriously when do you know when your life is in danger, after you got shot."

The test is "would a reasonable person in that situation believe his or her physical safety in danger?" In some jurisdiction, the test is, "Did the person claiming self-defense himself actually believe he was in danger?"

Either test is pretty easy to satisfy, unless you were just looking for an excuse to go Rambo and the evidence doesn't suggest otherwise. Bizarre (and questionable) anecdotes about the little old lady going to jail for defending herself from an imminent stabbing don't disprove the overwhelming reality.

"Screw that, someone's enters my property and I catch them and I have the ability to they will die."

Speaking of looking for an excuse to go Rambo--you're right, this attitude might make it harder for someone to claim self-defense. Unless you're Bernard Goetz.

if someone enters your car or house i think you have to assume they would hurt you if given the chance. they have already shown blatant disregard for your property what more regard will they have for your life. criminals are the scum of the earth, right up there with credit card and insurance companies. if i went outside and happened to be carrying a gun and saw someone breaking into my car or garage or God forbid my house I would like to think I would shoot, stab, cripple, mame or render them unable to finish the job. what's to say you scare them off and they dont come back with a gun or a few friends next time. same thing with a street fight, if i got attacked or jumped and got into a dominant position ie choke, joint lock, mounted and able to rain down punches elbows etc I dont think i would stop until i couldnt move "I had a wrench in my hands and then I hit em, and i hit em again and when they finally pulled me off of him I couldnt move my hands...he's a janitor at a high school somewhere now" How do you know that if you simply disarm someone or get a some distance they wont come back, or the get the knife they had in their pocket. No way, get a chance to kill...take it...because that is exactly what the scum bag POS criminal would do

and ya know what. if it's only the two of you a dead man isn't a very good witness. just say you saw a gun or knife in his hand and you felt your life was in danger. just make sure you dont shoot the bastard in the back