MMA/Boxing Gyms in San Diego

What are some MMA /or boxing gyms in San Diego?

There are a ton in Los Angeles but don't much about SD. Does the base in SD run any programs?


There are hardly any gyms in SD.

 Too many, where in S.D. are you looking?  How far/ long are you willing to travel? An hour? Less?

~30 minutes

I think Vera has a school down there.. does Kaman as well?

I know Henderson's TeamQuest is about an hour away..

dude...SD undisputed is fucking awesome. i trained out there for a bit when i visited my sister, good stuff. they have a couple of locations too.

check out

I trained at the location downtown on 16th street with andy wang, and he was awesome. they've got another place on university ave as well but i didn't make it there. i think that they have another location as well but i really don't remember

 theres a throwdown training center there, dean lister does BJJ there... saulo has a BJJ school in SD, and team quest is in temecula about 1 hr away... there's an On the Mat store in SD, they can hook you up w/ good places....

i only know this because i was there a few months back, unfortunately, i didn't get to train, but i did risk my life going to tijuana to buy lucha libre wrestling masks....

Alliance training Center in Chula Vista. its Brandon Veras school. Great facility, schedule, with world class trainers and fighters. Noguiera and Brandon are getting ready for their fights next month. Dominick Cruz is getting ready for Benavidez for the #1 contender spot in the WEC.

thunderguard - Alliance training Center in Chula Vista. its Brandon Veras school. Great facility, schedule, with world class trainers and fighters. Noguiera and Brandon are getting ready for their fights next month. Dominick Cruz is getting ready for Benavidez for the #1 contender spot in the WEC.




whew, that was close