MMA community united for a moment. A happy day :D

Almost everyone who is involved in MMA may it be the casual fan, the hard core fan, trainer, fighter, promoter ect... can agree that today is a major step forward in the right direction for the sport and the fact that the step is being undertaken by the flagship organization speaks volumes.

There will be more fighters popping positive and there will be adjustments/comprimises to be made but when the dust settles and it's all said & done, the sport as a whole will be in a much better place for everyone.

 I think this is the true comming of age era for MMA. With maturing comes responsibility and that's what we witnessed today. Hopefully the other organizations that have the financial capacity follow up with similar maturity.



Insert sister acts "oh happy day" Phone Post

Letibleu -

Almost everyone who is involved in MMA may it be the casual fan, the hard core fan, trainer, fighter, promoter ect... can agree that today is a major step forward in the right direction for the sport and the fact that the step is being undertaken by the flagship organization speaks volumes.

There will be more fighters popping positive and there will be adjustments/comprimises to be made but when the dust settles and it's all said & done, the sport as a whole will be in a much better place for everyone.

 I think this is the true comming of age era for MMA. With maturing comes responsibility and that's what we witnessed today. Hopefully the other organizations that have the financial capacity follow up with similar maturity.



VTFU couldn't have said it better ... Phone Post 3.0

Mihow - No actually, some of us enjoy our entertainers to entertain at the highest possible level.

Legalize PED's of all kinds AND regulate that.
This Phone Post 3.0

The devil is in the details. I'm cautiously optimistic. Phone Post 3.0