MMA Fighters & their A-List Celebrity Buddies...

Oleg Taktarov & Robert Deniro - Oleg was invited to Deniro's wedding and have done two movies together (Righteous Kill & 15 Minutes)


Kevin James & Bas Rutten - Bas Rutten appeared with Kevin James on King of Queens...  The two became friends and have continued to work together until this day on several projects.  James is a big MMA fan and hit it off well with Bas.  Bas was in Paul Blart Mall Cop and in the sequel coming this year, Here Comes the Boom (mma movie obviously) , Zookeeper which stars Kevin James and Kevin James even did a bit with him on Emmy Award Show broadcasted all over the world where Bas put Kevin in a choke hold.



name more...


Mickey Rourke has GOT to have 1 or 2 mma buddies


What about Mandy Moore?


Tim Tebow/Brandan Schaub worthy of being mentioned or no?

Kevin james a-list?