MMA Internet Radio Show

Reposted under different title at member's suggestion ....

I launched the first show at .......

This week's guest is RoOger & Barbara Woo. Roger is the coach of Team Woo and Barbara (his wife) is Fighting at the end oof the mobth in New Hampshires first Female MMA bout.

Please offer sugestions (be kind, I'm still learning)

Also, suggestions for shows and guests are needed.



Joe are you going to be in Hooksett tonight, I have some goodies for you and will bring them. FP

There is certainly a market for decent mma radio. However, it's probably a lot harder than it would seem to talk for 60 minutes without making a total ass out of yourself.

Sorry - I can't, one of my chilred is having a minor surgery.

Won't be arounds till next week as I'm in Chicago over the weekend to photograph the American Bushido MMA Event.

Next Week ??


You're right - but I do it in my REAL job, so I'm comefortable, though the subject matter and interviewees will certainly be different.

I'm also learning the technology (which is sort of a pain).

I've puraches very good equimpent and so I can do shows over the phone from my "studio" or on the road on location.

Hopefully it will be fun for people.


