MMA LLC Announces Partnership with Microsoft

TrainJudo - So, anyone wanna explain wtf that even means?


TrainJudo - So, anyone wanna explain wtf that even means?

It means that more noobs are coming.

^ lol

no doubt

pretty cool to see, actually

congrats to kirik and chris

let us know when we can start buying shares...

Did Bill Gates say his favorite fighter was that Kimbo Gracie fella? 

This is what it means...

Kimbo Slice

Data provided by © 2009


Kinetsu Hayabusa - pretty cool to see, actually

congrats to kirik and chris

Awesome, finally, a good picture of me!!!!!!!!!!

Chris/Kirik, how does Lee Murray feel about you using his silhouette for every fighter that you don't have a picture of?

They will let you know in 25 to life...

 more spyware is what this means

 lol I e-mailed the site to get my record updated but instead they just keep sending me e-mails about the Microsoft thing, funny how that worked out

you mean the e-mail with the clear as day unsubscribe button at the bottom that we sent to the e-mail address you used to register for this site to get your free perks as a pro fighter?

 Yea, that one.

Misedukatd -  finally, someone is combining MMA with really shitty programming.

Chris - you mean the e-mail with the clear as day unsubscribe button at the bottom that we sent to the e-mail address you used to register for this site to get your free perks as a pro fighter?

Hip toss then this choke slam, oh my!

I heard google is going crazy trying to figure out the algorithm bing is using. supposably they are working super hard to improve their product.
Microsoft spent over 80 million in this search engine, this is great news for

YHTOMIT2001 -  lol I e-mailed the site to get my record updated but instead they just keep sending me e-mails about the Microsoft thing, funny how that worked out

 I will email you immediately. Apologies for any delay.

what the fuck does wtf mean?

Chris - 
No can do, they'd have to hire real programmers for that
Yeah our programmers, the same who coded,, and are fake programmers :)

Just because you can take a second rate template language and string together some crap doesn't mean your a programmer. It just means your clever.