Too often we hear the xcuse about fighters fighting bad or gassing because of cutting weight. Maybe it's time to have same day weigh ins to avoid this? Otherwise what's the point of wieght classes if one guy ww weighs 175 and another 185 come fight time.
It's pretty crazy that the ability to cut weight should be such a big factor in fights.
"MMA needs same day weigh ins"
I support this thread.
Yeah, so when comes in totally dehydrated...we can make him fight a few hours later. Calls for an exciting fight...NOT! FAIL!
Serious injuries and lack luster performances would be the result. So no, same day weigh-ins can't happen.
same day weigh-ins and a mandatory standing 8 count after a knockdown.
EvilMaster - Serious injuries and lack luster performances would be the result. So no, same day weigh-ins can't happen.[/quote
in that case don't you think most fighters wouldn't cut and instead fight at their natural weight?
People would still cut weight, and they'd be even more prone to injury.
To solve your worries you'd have to somehow actually ban weight cutting. That would require some odd procedure like submitting daily, certifiable weight records for weeks leading up to the fight. That's obviously not going to happen.
Honesty - in that case don't you think most fighters wouldn't cut and instead fight at their natural weight?
By that logic fighters would already have an incentive not to cut weight now if they are "fighting bad or gassing because of cutting weight"
With weigh-ins no more than two hours before the match, athletes will quickly learn that cutting weight (read: dehydrating yourself) leaves them too weak to perform, and they will fight at their natural weight.
These threads pop up all the time and are pretty stupid imo.You have probably never competed yourself.The first time I did was when I figured cutting weight was necessity.
My First Competition I was walking around 215 and the limit was 205 for Lightheavy.Now I am pretty much a bulked up 185'lber .The guys at Heavyweight were gonna be some bruisers.So I Dieted and Cut Down to 205.I actually weighed in at 202 and the next day I weighed 212.I was still oversized by the guys at Lightheavy being they were 3 inches taller than me but the guys at Heavyweight were walking at a solid 240's,250's.Would of been great getting dumped on my head by those guys:(
Also...Wrestlers have been cutting weight for years with a few hours notice to compete after.I know Highschool kids who have cut 20lbs and Wrestled just a few hours later.So saying this is gonna stop it is being very Bold.
I have competed in BJJ, MT, and sub grappling. I've never cut weight and I've done OK. In IBJJF comps it's same day weigh ins and I've never seen or heard any one I know cutting weight (always under 5 lbs) because it is on the same day.
My old MT coach was dead set against cutting and my old club had a great record. We just made sure we had extra good cardio to deal with size/weight disadvantage.
"there's not going to be any weigh in reform in MMA until someone of note dies or has some kind of life threatening kidney disease. there's been reform in high school wrestling but it took a few deaths for the reform to become a reality."
Not sure what reform you are talking about..My nephew is walking around at 160 and is gonna wrestle 145 this year.
I think some of the people on here do not understand the Dynamics of cutting weight Like for say the poster above is saying Thiago Alves walks around at 200 pounds and fights at 170.Do you think he is a solid and in shape 200 pounds?Do you think he sits in a Sauna and dehydrates himself to get to 170?
No he Diets down to a base weight then Cuts.
None of my training partners have ever had to cut more than 6 pounds in a sauna cause they Diet down their Base weight.
I agree the weight cutting issue needs to be addressed but there really is no good solution. But I guarantee if you give fighters and extra 12-18-24 hours they are going to take everyone of those hours to cut.
It's a double edged sword without question, you do weigh-ins too early and guys could potentially walk in 20-25 pounds heavier than the actuall class limit, but if you do it too late you really jeopardize the fighter's safety.
It's not perfect, but the day before is probably the best solution right now.
Same day weigh-in's with a hydration test!!
Then we would see true competition at true weights.
Fighters should have to weigh-in on their way to the ring or cage, right before they fight. If they fail to make weight, they lose the fight and do not get paid, and get embarrassed, and have to deal with angry fans. Those would all be pretty good incentives for fighters to be ready at their natural weight.
^^How would you like to see that PPV when none of the fighters can fight.
Seriously..I know some of you guys do compete.But the majority on this thread probably don't..So wtf do you even care??!?!?
If you start demanding SAME DAY WEIGH INS I honestly think you will see healthier fighters. Yeah you may have some "lackluster performances" but is that really ANY DIFFERENT THAN WHAT WE SEE NOW?
Same day weigh ins will make the fighters more responsible knowing they cannot afford to cut THAT MUCH WEIGHT as they won't be able to put as much back on in time to fight. You'll see fighters starting to fight CLOSER TO THEIR WALKING AROUND WEIGHT.
If they can't do it, properly plan ahead etc...then they shouldn't be in the business. IF YOU KNOW you are a 185# fighter for example, why is your walking around weight 210 to 220? That's a gamble in itself that you're going to make weight, that you won't be weak, that you won't be dehydrated. The MORE RESPONSIBLE approach is to make your fight weight roughly your walking around weight and stop using the extra 20# you just put back on to be your biggest asset in the fight.
As long as you have weight classes, there will be weight cutting. Not many people walk around at 154, 169, 184, or 204. I am 174 right now at about 17% body fat. If I get in great shape I would walk around at about 165. So if I was in the UFC I would have to either fight guys with probably 10 pounds of muscle on me, or cut 10 pounds of water. Every fighter must make a similar decision, and most would rather cut the weight. Moving the weigh-ins to the day of the fight may affect the big time weight cutters, but there is NO WAY to eliminate cutting weight completely.
If you are 164 pounds and you cut to 155 is no where near the same as the guy cutting 30 pounds to make weight.
I can walk around at 205 and be 207 by the end of the day at weigh ins, that's water weight. I'm not saying you can't cut a few pounds because what you put back on, isn't an issue and a few pounds in water weight being cut isn't going to dehydrate and make you weak. NOW...15, 20, 30 lbs, yeah, that's horseshit.