I can't decide if ESPN broadcasting and featuring MMA would be good or bad for the sport. The exposure, and a higher quantity of MMA would be good for the sport, but do we really want some of the "mma supid" at ESPN commenting on this sport? Is the sport ready to be on ESPN?
would be an epic day if it was on ESPN in the US free to all who have cable
and yes it's ready
They have ufc on espn in the uk i think
We have it on ESPN over here. Can't complain because it doesn't cost me nothing only difference between this and PPV is that we have adverts. We don't pay 60 bucks for it though
I don't think ESPN is a very prominent channel in the UK, it is one of the most watched channels in the US though.
Yes and eventually even gambits will admit that even the UFC puts on some cards that in boxing would be Friday Night Fights and not PPV at 60 bucks. Hey, some FNF cards have been AWESOME but they are ALL free and no boxing promoter tells me how "sick" each card is. Teddy Atlas will say a fight is solid. If it's a great one he says so. But you don't get the Rogan screaming for everything like the Nintendo 64 kid at Christmas for every fight like we have now in the UFC.