This thread is awesome! TTT
These pictures are amazing. Really remind me of what an incredible year this has been. The sport is evolving and is getting better. The bad judging and sometimes lackluster fights do put a downer on things at times. But man, I love this sport.
In my opinion this image is up there. If you know what he went through.
Awesome thread I love it!
VU's for all the folks posting pics.
Superb thread.
The Hunto black-and-whites: BOSS.
iShatswhenWeidmanBassoondSilva -Love this one

iShatswhenWeidmanBassoondSilva -
great pic, nice to see nick smile haha.
Awesome thread and photos!
iShatswhenWeidmanBassoondSilva -
Nick aggravates the shit out of me on occasion but this is a outstanding picture. It's amazing what a smile can do
UGCTT_Bromovich -In

UGCTT_Bromovich -
Hands down the best.
That Woodley/Ali comparison pic combo
Res ipsa loquitar -
GrayKickass -Res ipsa loquitar -
Shameless self plug
Reminds me a lot of this pic of my first win of the year!
UGCTT_Bromovich -
best one