You've all played it before...
identify the five alterations to the original image
You've all played it before...
identify the five alterations to the original image
1. GSP's Class
original image:
romo image:
monson :)
Joe Added
Monson Added
Removed Exit Sign above door
Turned kid in blue gi's belt from white to black
Horizontally switched the fighter on GSP's shirt
great stuff
How about another? :)
I couldn't find the belt change or the shirt change, despite knowing something on GSP had to have been changed.
"1. GSP Class" answers below....
nice work Kalibah.
I'll definitely work up some more (I know I'm not the only who can whip these up though ;)
And I guess whoever names all the alterations correctly first gets to select a theme/pic for the next round (?)
TTT 4 ruledogg for ending boredom
By the way, it's cheating to save the pics and toggle between them....
looks in Kalibah's general direction
I'm at 60% on this one...Damn you RuleDogg!!!
here's a hint:
DON'T look in the water :)
Oh yeah, that hint's not gonna F with my head...
80% (holy christ...)
one more hint:
Tank Abbott has been hidden somewhere in the new image
Gee, thanx. but i just got it!!! 100% Shall I list them?
sure, unless you want someone else to name them first