MMA World, dont stand for this!!!

It would be funny if Kungfucrew's e-mail ends up in Time's Letters to the Editor Section :)

What Solitary Zen said.

and lol @ kungfucrew! Post of the year!

I'm with kabukikidd on this sentence - "A doctor was stationed at ringside to discourage death"

Very over dramatic.

Overall though, i thought is was pretty well written and not the bad, MMA hating article some are saying it is.

The overall opinion of not liking the sport comes through in the writer's tone and a couple of 'wordings' (high lighted by Apparition above) but it was pretty balanced and didn't make any calls for the sport to be outlawed, outrageous claims it will be the downfall OR that the sport has had multiple deaths like other articles have.

I for one, liked the article and am glad to see it in a magazine as well know as Time and at least reported in a moderately balanced way.

Have the people posting on this thread not read the article? It's
positive, well balanced. He talks about brutality, but in the earlier
UFC's and says that it's not like that anymore.

Wake up people and learn to read


Have the people posting on this thread not read the article? It's
positive, well balanced. He talks about brutality, but in the earlier
UFC's and says that it's not like that anymore.

Wake up people and learn to read


Not a totally bad article, and as they say, there's really no bad press.

kungfucrew, your letter was just plain idiotic. As someone else said, you're bad for MMA.

Guys, I have sent the following::

You may be a respected journalist, but you also need to check the facts before sending to print unsubstantiated garbage as you have.

It is also a symbol of a sport's resurrection: what is popularly called ultimate fighting was chased off TV in 1997 and banned by almost every state because of its no-holds-barred, pound-to-pulp violence. Relegated to outlaw arenas, it appeared doomed to languish forever as "human cockfighting," in the words of its critics.

This has got to be the most insulting things to say. Do you know anything about our sport? Obviously not!!! We train many hours and many more and more and more, perfecting a defense for ?real life situations?. The previous myths about a particular martial art being better than another has been proven to be untrue. There are many styles now that make up our sport, some even at the Olympic level, which begs the question are they ?cockfighters?? The most effective martial art against an opponent of any size is Gracie Jiu Jitsu. Do more research before publishing your garbage!

Sport? When it began in 1993, the first UFC was meant to be a gimmicky showcase for Brazilian-style jujitsu (and its superiority to other fighting styles), but it quickly devolved into a circus. Wild audiences screamed for matchups of pugilists against wrestlers against kickboxers, a Final Fantasy--video-game array of combatants, except for the very real blood that spattered on the mat of the octagon.
If you ever want to see the effectiveness of our gimmicky circus, Final Fantasy--video-game array of combatants, please go to any Gracie Jiu Jitsu academy ? NOTE ACADEMY and give it a whirl. I am sure any white belt will be glad to show you just how a gimmicky circus, Final Fantasy--video-game array of combatant performs. The introductory classes are free, so there is no money out of pocket. I do suggest you obtain the services of a good psychologist after the class, as your bruised ego will need a lot of attention!!

"Violence for the sake of violence," says Phil Mushnick, a sports columnist for the New York Post. "I understand that not everything necessarily has to have a redeeming social value. It can have no value. But this kind of stuff has negative value."
Uneducated all that can be said, and that alone is sad!!

*** a convention of state and tribal athletic commissioners. They appear to have made some headway. "We're definitely monitoring it," says Greg Sirb of the Pennsylvania State Athletic Commission. "I was impressed by what I saw at the convention." "It's probably safer than boxing in terms of the chances of injury," says David Holland of Virginia's Professional Boxing and Wrestling Program, reflecting the UFC's argument that the sport's blows are more evenly distributed, whereas boxing focuses on debilitating punches to the head***

I believe the above have proved your lack of education and research regarding your outright garbage!! Even the above athletic commissions have acknowledged that NHB is safer than boxing in terms of injury. Some even going so far as to say they are impressed! This I quote from your article ? so as not to be ?plagiarizing? your garbage!! Again uneducated and sad. Did you go to school, it appears not!! Research is the first step to writing an educated article that is writing 101!!

Guys, I have sent the following::

You may be a respected journalist, but you also need to check the facts before sending to print unsubstantiated garbage as you have.

It is also a symbol of a sport's resurrection: what is popularly called ultimate fighting was chased off TV in 1997 and banned by almost every state because of its no-holds-barred, pound-to-pulp violence. Relegated to outlaw arenas, it appeared doomed to languish forever as "human cockfighting," in the words of its critics.

This has got to be the most insulting things to say. Do you know anything about our sport? Obviously not!!! We train many hours and many more and more and more, perfecting a defense for ?real life situations?. The previous myths about a particular martial art being better than another has been proven to be untrue. There are many styles now that make up our sport, some even at the Olympic level, which begs the question are they ?cockfighters?? The most effective martial art against an opponent of any size is Gracie Jiu Jitsu. Do more research before publishing your garbage!

Sport? When it began in 1993, the first UFC was meant to be a gimmicky showcase for Brazilian-style jujitsu (and its superiority to other fighting styles), but it quickly devolved into a circus. Wild audiences screamed for matchups of pugilists against wrestlers against kickboxers, a Final Fantasy--video-game array of combatants, except for the very real blood that spattered on the mat of the octagon.
If you ever want to see the effectiveness of our gimmicky circus, Final Fantasy--video-game array of combatants, please go to any Gracie Jiu Jitsu academy ? NOTE ACADEMY and give it a whirl. I am sure any white belt will be glad to show you just how a gimmicky circus, Final Fantasy--video-game array of combatant performs. The introductory classes are free, so there is no money out of pocket. I do suggest you obtain the services of a good psychologist after the class, as your bruised ego will need a lot of attention!!

"Violence for the sake of violence," says Phil Mushnick, a sports columnist for the New York Post. "I understand that not everything necessarily has to have a redeeming social value. It can have no value. But this kind of stuff has negative value."
Uneducated all that can be said, and that alone is sad!!

*** a convention of state and tribal athletic commissioners. They appear to have made some headway. "We're definitely monitoring it," says Greg Sirb of the Pennsylvania State Athletic Commission. "I was impressed by what I saw at the convention." "It's probably safer than boxing in terms of the chances of injury," says David Holland of Virginia's Professional Boxing and Wrestling Program, reflecting the UFC's argument that the sport's blows are more evenly distributed, whereas boxing focuses on debilitating punches to the head***

I believe the above have proved your lack of education and research regarding your outright garbage!! Even the above athletic commissions have acknowledged that NHB is safer than boxing in terms of injury. Some even going so far as to say they are impressed! This I quote from your article ? so as not to be ?plagiarizing? your garbage!! Again uneducated and sad. Did you go to school, it appears not!! Research is the first step to writing an educated article that is writing 101!!



Do you have to do a lot of reding in junior college?

After careful review and a long consideration of the overwhelming facts within this article upon a second review,

I have come to the same conclusion that I first mentioned. Definately not as much an attack as what Ive seen in many other articles, but hey, I was in a mood, thats what 7 days a week of Graveyard will do to you with no time with the wife and kids.

LOL I just found it funny the many different responses we got in this thread. TTT for all sides. Love you guys.

Love the sport, or hate it,
Its here to stay!!

Stay MMA