Modified Smolov Jr

Anyone familiar with Smolov knows its a hardcore squat routine anyway a well know youtuber has made his own modified version that incorporates all of the big 4. Runs a little like 531 with light weeks and heavy weeks although its a lot more volume for example

Week 1 6x6 (sets then reps) at 70% of 1rm
Week 2 7x5 at 75
Week 3 8x4 at 80
Week 4 10x3 at 85

Then a deload week. Assistance work would be set up similar to 531. His name is Matt Ogus if anyones interested.

Thoughts on this routine? Been running 531 for a while and this interests me. Phone Post 3.0

Maybe i should make a thread about gluten free or crossfit? Phone Post 3.0

Why Doing Smolov Isn't Smart... And Maybe Even Stupid…: Phone Post 3.0

molsonman - Why Doing Smolov Isn't Smart... And Maybe Even Stupid…: Phone Post 3.0
Its isn't smolov.

Just uses same rep scheme and percentages. Phone Post 3.0

He talks about Smolov Jr as well. Phone Post 3.0

What i mean is you aren't squatting 4x a week. Phone Post 3.0