Molten Salt Reactor


thank god this thread got transferred to the new OG

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It’s like they are trying to rebuild. This is the second old thread moved into this OG and it still shows up as GeekGround

Could be, but I don’t think it is necessarily sodium. There are all sorts of salts out there.

I worked in a chemical plant for most of my life. There was a waste stream that they wanted to burn. To burn it in an incinerator, as a waste, required all sorts of expensive EPA permits and tons of regulations. BUT, to use it as a “fuel” the requirements were WAY less expensive.

So they routed to it to a “boiler” which was used to make 600psi steam for the plant. The boiler used “salt” as a cooling medium, the boiler superheating the salt, then the salt transferred the heat to the steam. I never worked on that process, but periodically people assigned to the process had to sample the salt, and I saw the samples.

Grey and porous looking.

Going to be SMRs

Do you think this is being done automatically? Is there an automated system scanning the threads, determining if it meets the criteria and then moves it over, or do you think they are paying a bunch of interns to read our old threads and decide if it can be moved over

No clue what they are doing. Not sure they even know based on what we’ve seen already

This is probably something AI would excel at. Maybe all the bans as well. Maybe some lazy fuck gave AI some shitty criteria and nuked his whole business in an instant.