Monkey Power of Spam Musubi

need i say more.


slings poo

a monkey's two best friends:

MayHem, the Nuuanu & North Shore 7-11 store employees miss you.

They have your special double stack Musubis waiting for you when you get back.


Mmmmm....spam musubis.....

fn FCTV808, you lifting again? Brah, you got big again.

lmao @ "Nuuanu 7-11"...
he's actually made me stop at that one to get... SPAM MUSUBI... lol


raze, the 7-11s are getting these "newer" soda fountains that have more selections that you can press a button to zest w/ vanilla or lemon...

wu, it's just the camera angle--my arms are a little swollen from having to push jason's teabag off me.

FCTV, comeon man..don't be all modest. You're lifting again.

ooo..zest...I like this. How come nomore over here in LA? wtf?

wu, not lifting. been doing dive bomber push-ups and stuff. mostly dragging myself all over the mat mixed w/ ben and jerry's chunky monkey = fat ass, looking big in photos. when you coming back? you making it on sep 2?

the ogre misses spam musubis

Looks like no Hawaii for another year. I just got one new job. Not supposed to mention the name, but it's one travel agency that specialized in trips to Hawaii. Get a bunch of is even on kapiolani blvd. There is a slim to none chance I'll have a bussiness trip to Honolulu to check out some hotels and all. cream.....

mayhem v lawler. gets bigger by the day wu. holy crap.

Damn...that's one a fight I'd love to see. I gotta put money on Mayhem on this fight.

My friend and I were just talking about how shitty it is up here that you can't get a spam musubi at the 7-11 when you want a snack. Gotta eat the hotdogs with their nasty nacho cheese and chili.

Nice! Lawler vs Mayhem can't wait!

TTT for Mayhem and Spam!