Muay Thai is hard lol

Yea, I started Muay Thai, and while I love it, and I still don't like sucking at it. I've never trained a standup style before, so I feel like a fish out of water at practice.

Footwork: I still have to fight now to look down at my feet. What drills do you guys recommend I can do at home (besides jumping rope).

Any general tips for a beginner? What things should I do when shadowboxing?

Use a tennis ball like a basket ball and move around while "playing", it´s hard but great for movement when you get the hang of it.

It will only get easier and more fun!

Alright one drill to get the muscle memory going in your legs and feet. Go to a track. Start in your fighting position and go up the track or the field itself maintaining your fighting position. (Feet should not cross) and do not square up. Turn side ways start with your left and also do your right side and go back wards. After you go up and down the field 2 times for each one (moving to your right, moving to your left, moving backwards, moving forward). Add a jab and do it again and then add a 1, 2 and do it again. This will assist you greatly.

then get a chicken and chase it around in an alley....


(personally, I hate "gimmick" training, just do the footwork, shadown box, move around)

I dont know about gimmick and cats who dont train outside the gym.... but, if all you do is work in the gym you will only be a champion in your mind. Go to the track and get your reps dog. Most people who dont train outside the gym dont succed to tough.