The Irish weren’t enslaved. Some were in indentured servitude
You must be British trying to deny your shameful past of enslaving the Irish
The Irish slave trades are a documented fact of history
Irish slaves were treated far worse than black slaves
Irish women were raped brutally, Irish kids were murdered, the Irish slaves never recieved any housing or salaries like black slaves did
Black slaves were treated like royalty compared to the Irish slaves
It is satanic and demonic how people try to deny it or rewrite history…but I guess that history doesnt fit the liberal narrative that only “the black man was oppressed”
If the poor Irish slaves were “indentured servants,” than black slaves were contractors, aquantainces, and salaried cotton workers
Im starting to feel like youre another alt of that lunatic @JackMerridew
Heres another bombshell!
Muslims were among the biggest contributors to the trans-atlantic slave trades, and slavery still exists in muslim countries today. The quran (I use it as toilet paper to wipe my ass with) even states that pedo phaggot muhammed had black slaves!
Wtf did I just read
Jake is DESPERATE for that boxing clout
It wasn’t the British, you need to actually research who it was
When Ali went to Zaire he commented that the women there needed some white blood in them from their mother’s side, which is where he got it from as his mum was a Milky
It was an amateur bout