Just wanted to let my Forum brothas and Sistas know about the birth of my daughter. Its been a long time in coming, and there have been a bunch of you that have supported me as an athlete, as a coach, and as a referee, I hope you can all keep me honest as a father.
BTW - her name is Caitlyn Sofia Williams - born on July 17
Chat soon
PS. When your first boy comes around I'm expecting him to be named Rex(KwonDo)!
congrats again Dave. way to go!
So when do you get her starting ukemi?
Congratulations Sir!
Congratulations Dave! Daughters are the greatest. Like most fellas deep down I wanted a son and had two daughters instead. Best thing that ever happened to me and they are definitely proof that the old adage about genes skipping a generation is a truism.
There will come a time when the other gals' knees will knock when they see the name Caitlyn Williams in their pool on the wall chart.