That fight could have been ended eleventeen times...
It's my third post. I am so excited...
Kneed to be brought back for sure.
See what I did there?
But i agree.
I wish knees to the head of a downed opponent, stomps, and soccer kicks were all legal. Unfortunately, they are not very palatable to legislators whom we need to keep the sport regulated. Maybe in 10-29 years though when the sport is so powerful it can once again regulate itself.
I think the current rules keep the sport safe for fighters and palatable to lawmakers...yes our bloodthirst enjoys Pride rules but knees to defenseless head can cause serious long-term damage (dementia, parkinsons, punch-drunk syndrome, etc)...stomps and soccer kicks might be less destructive but they're still "over the top"...I'm cool with elbows though...
The most definitely should be allowed.
Knees to a defenseless head? What does that even mean? If you ever get kneed in the head obviously it wasn't defended. Knees on the ground wouldn't be any more dangerous than Overeem kneeing people to the moon.
RickRude - I think the current rules keep the sport safe for fighters and palatable to lawmakers...yes our bloodthirst enjoys...
It's not the bloodthirst, it's to take away the hug advantage the wrestlers are enjoying. There is no consequence for shooting. THe guy who wants to stand up can stuff it, but thats it. Let him stuff the takedown and make the other guy pay.
Agreed they should be allowed.
Seriously, what are we more concerned with?
A) Loosing what our sport is, and not even wanting to watch the slightly brutal wrestling matches they're going to turn into?
B) Make sure UFC/MMA is tame enough to legalize it in all states, and bring the watered down "fighting" to the world!
Personally, I'm more worried about A. I I'd definitely not care if all my PPVs were in Vegas, as long, as what I was paying for was the high quality UFC events they should be (both in match-up and rules)
The and more I think about it, the more the legalizing of MMA in every state is going to be directly related to the downfall of what we, as fans, love about MMA.
Druskee27 - Seriously knees to a downed opponent NEED to be brought back.
Knees to the head on the ground are desperately needed.
Won't happen. Knees to the top of the skull from north-south looks pretty brutal (I don't know if it actually leads to spinal damage but it looks like it could compress the spine or fracture the top of the skull), and in these things perception is king - the MMA organisations want MMA to become main stream, not to go back to being banned.
elbows for knees n stomps