My heart rate while running

Ok I am 30 years old 6`3 225.I got a heart rate monitor from a friend who never used it.While doing my road work I had my heart rate up to 175 to 180 for about twenty five minutes of a four mile run that took me thirty three minutes to high should I try to push it?I run to keep weight down and improve my cardio for judo.I remember that maximum heart rate was 220 minus your age or something like that.Anyone with info please respond.

Check out this article by Clarence Bass:

You should do Interval Sprints if you want cardio for Judo or any other combat sport. Long distance mainly for losing weight.

Well, just from what I have been reading about Maximum Heart Rate (magazines, internet), basic formula to figure ones maximum heart rate is to take 200 and subtract your age from that and then you'll get left with your MHR.

To find your Target Heart Rate first measure your resting heart rate.

Then, 220 - your age = Max Heart Rate

Now, take your MHR x .60+RH = your heart rate at 60% of its maximum rate.

For optimal weight loss, keep it between 70 - 85% percent.

Interval training is the best for combat sports though. Definitely works your ass more than endurance style as well.

As far as intervals go:

Warm up for a mile, then sprint for 3 - 5 minutes or however long a round is, then rest for a minute or until you've gained your breath, then, repeat.

"As far as intervals go:

Warm up for a mile, then sprint for 3 - 5 minutes or however
long a round is, then rest for a minute or until you've gained
your breath, then, repeat. "

A grappling match is not constant effort and 3-5 minutes is
too long for an interval unless you are training for a 10K or
longer road race.

It is better to simulate the demands of your event. Start with
1:00 sprints or 400's, and work down to Taku's Stage 3, doing
10x :20 sprint, :10 rest. This more accurately recreates the
type of effort you will need in a match.

220-your age is rarely accurate. if youre really interested, you should do some lactate testing with a trained professional.