My Movie Playing in Chicago


8thDS Thursday is fine for me...give me a call

yes my lovely leading lady will be at the Saturday show. But whe will be clothed and she will now have hair.

Slick I will get back to you later tonight.


Lol, I should have let you know before Saturday? All my post were before Saturday, Including the one where you ask me to go on Thursday...go back and re-read the thread.

Ill see you on Thursday Dwayne...Ippon!

Thanks !!!

Back up

Chicago go watch this! the leading lady is HOT!!!

I hear Dwaynes ass is a sight to behold also...!

There's too much hair on it for this to qualify as nudity.

LOL @ "There's too much hair on it for this to qualify as nudity."

open guard - we recorded with a Nagra. There were some serious level issues, multiple boom operators and ambient noise from hell.

I have another film in post "Palooka" that we will probalby ADR in it's entirety also. This proccess is a lifesaver but expensive.

You can check out a trailer for "Palooka" at I play the main gangster and did the fight choreography.

Packed house last night.

Its because everybody heard there was an ass shot of you

Is that why so many of them had big moustaches and motorcycle outfits?


The movie was great TTT Ill never look at an Orange the same way again.

Thnaks for coming Columi-

there were a alot of Shidokan and BJJ folks there last night

I truly appreciate the support

No problem I wouldnt have missed it, thanks for the invite! I did see some familiar faces in the crowd last night.

So how does this work, one more showing and they vote on the Sundance prize or is this a nationwide thing? Give us the scoop detective...

"Its because everybody heard there was an ass shot of you"


sheesh an I missed it? @@ 


Momita - we have been downplaying the booty shot because we don't to be pegged as a horror movie.

columi - there is a crowd favorite prize decided on Sunday, hence the voting. There are also critical appraisal awards. The whole point is for the movie to find a buyer. Like any product it is a lot easier to get a buyer if there is a buzz, ie: awards, multiple festival entries, high attendance at screenings. If there are any actual deals made at this festival it will be this weekend. Next it moves on to the Rhode Island and New Hampshire festivals with the possibility still out there for entry into the Toronto festival which is a real heavyweight.