So I just got back from Chicago and NAGA. The event was very well-run for having so many people (I think like 600 competitors). I met Andre Arlovski and saw Shonie Carter (with his belt) there.
I won my first match in no-gi intermediate with a rear naked then lost my second match on points. It was tied 8 -8, but they gave it to the other guy for some reason. I was up 6-2 then he scored a couple real quick in the last minute and they gave him the match instead of going into overtime, which they had done before. I also had a good kneebar on him and I thought he tapped, so I kinda let go, obviously big mistake and the rest is history.
It was fun to be there, I met BZLJJ (or whatever the letters are, sorry), he was a really cool guy, he reffed one of my matches. Everyone was nice and it was a great event. I've learned from my mistakes and hope to be back next time.
oh, and heres some pics if a blue namer would be so kind...
I thought you did very well in your matches. You had a couple nice throws and some good leg locks. I thought you won your second round match but maybe I was wrong. Anyway good luck to you in the future.
That was a great match that you had against my teamate in the second round. I thought the match could have gone either way and definately could have went to overtime. You were definately one of the better guys in that division.
I fought in the same division(intermediate welterweight) and beat Micheal Keller in the first round in a very close match. I lost my second match against the guy who won the division after I hurt my chronicaly bad back getting taken down.
Do you have anymore picture of the match you had against my teamate and can you possible send some to me by E-mail.
It was an honor to ref your match! I definitely was impressed with ALL of the guys in that division. It was STACKED! I think that is the one that had 16 guys in it!
As for your match, I remember that it was a very good match and I had to ask the head ref what to do. He said there are no overtimes, so a winner must be picked. I told him that I didn't have a clue, as it was very action packed, and he said that it was very close but gave it to the other guy. It was a tough call that could have went either way. I hated to see any of you guys lose, as you were ALL great competitors and very talented!
I look forward to seeing you compete again soon!
PS. Good job on getting the name -BZLJJ- right! lol
PSS. To everyone but Kyle, I am the guy in the MILETICH shirt reffing Kyle's match =)
Thanks for the kind words everyone, it was a great experience and Bigdog9311, gimme your email I have a couple more pics from that match. I have it on video too, but not digital so I dunno how to get it online.