My new T-shirts

how can you not like mccorkle? there isn't much legends on the ug side of, but he is surely one of them.

 nice! in on both!

 If they run big I need an xxl. If they run small, a xxxl.

Mckorkle, the M should be a fist or you could make it look like both with some tweaking.

 im gonna order one. 

I want to buy a The Cal (is on you) shirt but without anything on the back. It's nothing personal, just a preference to not have anything else on the shirt. It probably won't stop me from picking one up as long as it isn't huge, though.

damn the cal shirt is wicked!

 I am buying me a McCorkle shirt!

The cal was ruined for me when we found out what it really meant,but I'm down for an MWO shirt.

Hate420 - The cal was ruined for me when we found out what it really meant,but I'm down for an MWO shirt.

 are you speaking disparagingly about "tha cal"?

Hate420 - The cal was ruined for me when we found out what it really meant,but I'm down for an MWO shirt.

 The Cal can mean whatever you want it to mean homie.

tikmovado - 
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I already got a Patent on that and took all the web domains as well.

Sorry I am going to have to ask for 98%.

The Cal/st1:place/st1:state is on you now.

 *backs away slowly .................

What about Mc"Little Dickle", Mc"Cockle" or Mc"Dorkle"
World Order T-Shirts?

LoganClark - I was pretty close to finally getting some shirts made for myself, but after seeing these epic designs it seems I should just give up.

"Clark-o-Plata - You Can't Do It"

on the back

"Because We Can't Figure It Out"

 I'll take one

Sean McCorkle - 
Crooklyn - Do want!

You and Shoman are getting one of each as soon as they get here. I need to know what sizes.

 Send me one as well, please!!