My Rory Bros.DVD Review!(Finally!)

First, the basics: production and video quality are VERY high as is the audio, which is crystal clear. Probably the best to come out of the SBG production crew yet. It is obvious that a lot of time and effort was spent not just on content but on making it look good as well.

The extra detail on the texts, images, special effects & music tells me that if they care about the "little" things they probably care about the entire product and this is confirmed as the DVD runs.

Before the accolades, my only complaint is that you can't select a lesson and go immediately to it. You can however, skip around because the chapters ARE there and made small enough that you don't have to fast forward for 10 minutes to get to he part you want.

The DVD is just shy of 90 minutes long. I typed up a Chapter Summary so, I can just move through the chapters and get to what I want.

The DVD begins with the same intro that all the other SBG productions have, before going into Adam
& Rory's specific intro, which is basically a highlight reel of Adam, Rory, the Pauls (Myatovich and Sharp), Luis Guitierrez (sp?), Jerry Wetzel, & Forrest Griffin in training (with occasional glimpses of the Überpimp Dhira), in various locations, using all the special effects in the book; from MONOchrome, Black & White, Colour, to split screens, etc.

As far as content: this is a true MMA DVD in the sense that it doesn't follow the 3 o' clock BJJ class, 4 o'clock Muay Thai class, and 5' o clock wrestling class, and hope it all comes together. It is a perfect blend of MMA.

It also isn't another technique tape in the format of a dictionary, but is LOADED with drills, in context. Material that you can immediately add to your present training.


There are none of the Q&A's that you find on some of the other SBG productions, but on this DVD, that fact lends itself to a nice flow.

Some topics covered are Combo punching, Conditioning (I was pleasantly surprised they talked about the Tabata Interval!), Close Quarter boxing, Grips, The Thai Clinch & Countering it, Wizzer series, Using the underhook, Getting out of the Corner, Proper Leg Kicking, Sparring and Progressive Sparring drills.

They take their time breaking down techniques, explaining parameters of the various drills, and only spend enough time verbally to get the instructions across and don't cackle along. The DVD is ALL action.

If you want to improve your MMA "Stand-up" & Clinch games, why watch boxing tapes, kickboxing tapes, Thai boxing tapes, Wrestling tapes, etc. when you should be actually training specifically the thing you will be doing, and that is MMA. I hope that this is the wave of the future in MMAs video productions.

Once again an excellent job by the SBG crew and specifically the Singer bros. Worth every red cent. 2 thumbs up and a bag of Guacamole Doritos!

Joe Silvia


Thats the next DVD I want for sure!!! bad. A brainfart. I started by putting "Rory & Adam's DVD Review". I had to backtrack and instead of putting Singer Bros....

Actually, I have a crack problem. I'll admit it. ;-)

Don't rush on that e-,ail, bro...get revenge on me for making you wait so long the last time!

where can I pick up this dvd?

can u post chapter summary?

Great review Aus! I got mine last week and as far as MMA stand up material goes it is top notch. I was expecting perhaps some ground work as well but maybe they'll cover that on another project :)

Which DVD is this?

I now have it and watch it all the time!

Just watching it makes me tired!

Still waiting for mine, ordered yeeears ago :,-(

This is the same MMA dvd that I reviewed a month or two ago? Looking at some of these reviews makes me think that I must have gotten an edition that wasn't "the final version". Hmmmmmmmmm


Guys...look at the date of my post. It's in January. This is not a 'new' DVD.


I have the Chapter Summary on my computer at home. I'll hook you up tonight.

I'm lost... Is this the Hardcore training one? Or the Clinch one?

Its the Hardcore Training one.

ok....its the same one I reviewed.


Send me a blank:

Yeah, I just got the DVD last week. It's pretty good.

Aus got mail