Right after eating it.
Betting the house on this one
Tate towers over Nakai... Nakai is only 5'1"
I love Tate but she will find a way to fuck it up & lose.<br
She is the type of girl that can have all the advantages over her opponent but makes too many damn mistakes. Nakai is more solid & knows how to use her skills to get the win.
Awesome "Gogo" outfit.
I just don't see her cutting the cage off at all. Tate walks to a decision
Is the UFC tonight at midnight or what?
I think Tate gets a controversial decision
Card -
Tate towers over Nakai... Nakai is only 5'1"
I thought she was 5'3
It doesn't matter, she is still great ;_:
I like both but I might root for Rin for bit more. But if I would put money down, it would go to Tate, I believe she wil ltake the UD win
Tate was getting overpowered by carmouche at times. I think nakai can overpower her
Morpheus1976 - Looks like she has a cupcake in her pantiesI'm picking Tate.

NiteProwleR -
Is the UFC tonight at midnight or what?
first thing i thought of too when seeing her
If Nakai can stick to Tate and close the distance at will it will be a long night for Tate.
Nakai looks awesome once she gets a hold of her opponent.
If Nakai doesn't get cage jitters, she will overpower Tate.
The fighter with more confidence will dominate. Think Nakai has all the advantages
Has Tate improved much in the last few years? I can't say, doesn't look like it to me?
Thick as fuck. Wow.